Directed by Simon Otto and penned by Richard Curtis alongside Peter SouterThat Christmas is a 2024 British animated Christmas fantasy comedy that intertwines multiple narratives set in the quaint seaside town of Wellington-on-Sea. The film, based on Curtis’s trilogy of children’s books, delves into themes of family, love, and community during the holiday season.

The voice cast of That Christmas features a stellar lineup of talent, led by Brian Cox as the whimsical narrator, Santa Claus, who ties the interwoven stories together. Fiona Shaw brings life to the no-nonsense Mrs. Trapper, while Jodie Whittaker lends her charm to Mrs. Williams. The ever-delightful Bill Nighy voices Bill, adding a layer of warmth and wit. Lolly Adefope shines as Mrs. McNutt, alongside Alex Macqueen and Katherine Parkinson as Mr. and Mrs. Forrest, respectively. Completing the main cast, Sindhu Vee voices the kind-hearted but sage Mrs. Gupta. Together, this impressive ensemble breathes life into the film’s richly drawn characters, making That Christmas a heartwarming and engaging holiday treat.

That Christmas, a Netflix Exclusive, Courtesy of Locksmith Animation

The story unfolds with a series of interconnected tales, including a school Christmas play written by Samantha and starring young Charlie as Joseph, which humorously descends into chaos. As the narrative progresses, we encounter a lonely latchkey child yearning for his absent father, a strict schoolteacher, and a group of children left to their own devices when their parents are stranded due to a snowstorm on Christmas Eve. The film is narrated by Santa Claus, voiced by Brian Cox, whose warm delivery adds a whimsical touch to the unfolding events.

That Christmas, a Netflix Exclusive, Courtesy of Locksmith Animation

While the film offers charming animation and endearing characters, some critics note that its complexity and multiple plotlines may require patience from viewers. The Times describes it as “a world of generally forgettable niceness,” suggesting that the film’s predictability might detract from its overall impact. Similarly, Decider mentions that the movie is “generally acceptable but forgettable,” indicating that it may not leave a lasting impression. Despite these critiques, That Christmas has been praised for its heartwarming moments and the way it captures the essence of the holiday spirit. The film’s portrayal of community coming together in times of adversity resonates with audiences seeking festive cheer. As noted by Screen Rant, the film maintains a “cheery disposition” while acknowledging “the sadder qualities of the holiday season,” offering a balanced and generous narrative.

That Christmas, a Netflix Exclusive, Courtesy of Locksmith Animation

In conclusion, That Christmas presents a layered and festive narrative that, despite its complexities, delivers warmth and holiday spirit. Its intertwining stories and charming animation make it a suitable watch for families looking to embrace the multifaceted nature of Christmas celebrations.

That Christmas is currently available for streaming exclusively on Netflix. The film premiered at the BFI London Film Festival on October 19, 2024, and was released on Netflix on December 4, 2024. As of now, there are no theatrical releases or availability on other streaming platforms.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)

Overall, That Christmas is a thoughtful and spirited holiday animation that brings warmth and joy, even if it takes a bit longer to unwrap its gifts.