This is literary fiction complete with conflict, plot, rising action, crisis, climax, falling action, etc.  Set in Olympia, Washington, in the Pacific Northwest, the main character and first person narrator is fourteen-year-old March Peter Wong, a brilliant, teenager whose favorite activity is climbing trees.  March, the name by which he […]

ABOUT THE NIGHT by Anat Talshir

ABOUT THE NIGHT by Anat Talshir

Five stars for this well written premier novel of forbidden love between an Arab and a Jew.  Lila was a Jew born and raised in Istanbul. Later an adult, she moved to Jerusalem. Elias Riani was an Arab, whose family has lived in Jerusalem for over a hundred years. In 1947 Elias […]

Point… Click… Beauty!

Point… Click… Beauty!

Cue the chorus for ‘It’s a Small World’… These days the world of beauty can easily be condensed to the size of your smart phone or computer monitor. An increasing number of companies have caught on, and gotten down to the business of curating the best beauty products from around […]

Radiant Beauty by Nature

Radiant Beauty by Nature

We’ve come a long way since harsh scrubs and bleaching creams designed to even skin tones and impart an overall healthy glow.  Gone are the damaging exfoliates, toxic chemical blends, and temporary (and ultimately ineffective) ingredients in beauty and skin care products. Some of the newest items to hit the […]

Sex in the Summer

Sex in the Summer

Here comes the sun, and with it a slew of makeup designed to make you look like your best flushed self. As we thaw out through Spring, the layers of caked foundation, contour and concealer fall away to reveal fresh faced beauty to suit every possible skintone. What we’re left […]