M-Design – Icelanders’ Fashionable Solution for the Cold While Still Looking Stylish, as Told by Co-Designer, Ragga
By Kaylene Peoples | February 14th, 2011 | Category: Articles, Interviews and Reviews, Fashion, Interviews, Videos | Comments Off on M-Design – Icelanders’ Fashionable Solution for the Cold While Still Looking Stylish, as Told by Co-Designer, Ragga
Ever wonder what goes on on the other side of the world? Have you ever been curious about how those from Nordic countries dress, design, and feel about fashion? I’m not surprised to learn that people are basically the same no matter what part of the world they come from. We all love beautiful clothes, and we all want to keep warm. Living in Southern California makes me spoiled because I rarely pull out my winter coat. But traveling to New York as frequently as […]