Posts Tagged ‘ Kaylene Peoples ’

Nelson Mandela and Why We Should Celebrate His Life

Nelson Mandela and Why We Should Celebrate His Life

When I learned that Nelson Mandela had passed away, I was sad.  Mandela lived a martyred life for so long and then finally came to power in South Africa after years of imprisonment.  He lived to be 95 years old. Not to date myself, but I recall protesting in college against Apartheid and almost landing in jail.  I wanted to further show my support by traveling to Berkeley with other U.C.L.A. students like me who were “anti-Apartheid.” My parents wouldn’t hear of it, not because […]

INVISIBLE CITIES, an Opera Without a Stage – What an Unforgettable Experience!

INVISIBLE CITIES, an Opera Without a Stage – What an Unforgettable Experience!

I never cared for dressing up and going out on Halloween, and as luck would have it, I was given the opportunity to see an opera, INVISIBLE CITIES, which was held at Union Station in Los Angeles on October 31, 2013. This time I made an exception.

Has Technology Really Made Our Lives Better?

Has Technology Really Made Our Lives Better?

I admit I love my iPhone, my iPad, my computer, etc. I guess you could say I am a gadget girl. I covet the latest anything when it comes to electronics, as long as it looks good, too. I must accessorize my circuit-boarded components with the coolest covers, plugs, or whatever makes them match. After all, this fashionista must be coordinated in all ways.

“Early Autumn” Fashion Editorial Photographed by Kaylene Peoples

“Early Autumn” Fashion Editorial Photographed by Kaylene Peoples

The “Early Autumn” fashion editorial was photographed by Kaylene Peoples, modeled by Felix Weso, styled by Eveline Morel, with hair and grooming by Tara Daniels. Featured are the following lines: Madison Park Collective, Carapace, Krammer & Stoudt, Seven Times Seven, Hyden Yoo, and Sombrio Cartel.

Miami Swim 2013 Collections Photographed by Arun Nevader – See What’s Hot Right Now!

Miami Swim 2013 Collections Photographed by Arun Nevader – See What’s Hot Right Now!

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week – Miami Swim 2013 showcased last summer 2012. The week-long event has the most diverse variety of swimsuits and coverups. Summer is the perfect time to show you and show off some of those fabulous designs and their gorgeous models! (Photographed by Arun Nevader.)

All I know Is This 17-Year-Old Boy Got Killed.

All I know Is This 17-Year-Old Boy Got Killed.

The implicit conclusion from the Zimmerman verdict is that racial profiling is still okay in this country. And this decision does not stand alone; racial profiling doesn’t simply apply to African Americans, but to all minorities, lest we forget recent legislation passed in the state of Arizona and elsewhere.

Oleander “Something Beautiful” Unplugged

It’s one thing to hear a polished, produced song, and it’s an entirely different experience to hear and watch talented musicians perform an acoustic version of that same song.

Sue Wong “3 SOME” – A Fashion Editorial

Sue Wong “3 SOME” – A Fashion Editorial

Imagine a tall, handsome man and a lovely, vivacious blonde . . . at first their love was wonderful, just the two of them. Then suddenly a third person enters the scene. It is no longer exclusive, intimate, or special. But the twist is who comes out on top!

Sue Wong – The Quintessential Super Woman and Iconic Fashion Designer Who Does It All!

Sue Wong – The Quintessential Super Woman and Iconic Fashion Designer Who Does It All!

“As a visual artist I can translate my creativity and carry it over to many other art forms. I can draw. I can paint. I can design furniture, landscapes, environments, interiors; design jewelry, shoes, handbags, and hats. I do my own styling for all my photo shoots as well as my fashion shows. So I can do it all. I’m also not a bad chef. And that’s the great joy of being a creative artist. When I come into my temple of beauty, it’s playtime.” –Fashion Designer and Renaissance Woman Sue Wong

Oleander Wows Fans at Ace of Spades for SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL Official CD Release Concert

Oleander Wows Fans at Ace of Spades for SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL Official CD Release Concert

Opening with the song “Fight,” the crowd went crazy as the band chanted the hook, “fight, fight, fight!” The high energy song was the perfect opener, and if screaming fans and a packed house were any indicator for the success of a band, then Oleander’s come back fits the bill.