Posts Tagged ‘ July 2012 Issue ’

Legendary Drummer Jack DeJohnette – Celebrating His 70 Years

Legendary Drummer Jack DeJohnette – Celebrating His 70 Years

I had the good fortune to watch three legends perform together at Catalina Bar & Grill in Hollywood, CA, on May 15, 2012. They were drummer Jack DeJohnette, bassist Stanley Clarke, and pianist Chick Corea; and they were in concert celebrating Jack DeJohnette’s 70th birthday. The sounds coming from Catalina’s stage that evening could send a jazz lover straight to heaven.

Pick a Side: A Letter from the Editor Wishing You a Happy Fourth of July

Pick a Side:  A Letter from the Editor Wishing You a Happy Fourth of July

If you’re Christian it’s a person at conception. If you’re just moral it’s a person once it forms fingers, toes and a face. If you’re a democrat it’s a welfare check. If you’re republican, it’s a means to control a woman’s place. Women still make only 56% of a man’s salary doing the exact same job. Oh yeah . . . we’re all equal. Just sayin’!

My New Hero, Dr. Alexander Rivkin – Filling You in on the 15 Minute Nose Job

My New Hero, Dr. Alexander Rivkin – Filling You in on the 15 Minute Nose Job

I live in Los Angeles . . . home of Hollywood stars, celebrities, and California surfer girls with long blonde tresses, golden tans, and perfect bodies and faces. Now we all know, many of them didn’t start out so perfect—a nip here, a tuck there, and a bit of a bosom boost between! How many women these days haven’t had a few surgical adjustments to help them look so beautiful and dazzling?

Enchant Me: The Secret World of Rouge Bunny Rouge

Enchant Me: The Secret World of Rouge Bunny Rouge

In a world of slick packaging and so-called miracle makeup, Rouge Bunny Rouge has set out to remind us of the reason we all started playing with makeup in the first place. The whimsical packaging and fairytale presentation transports us back to a time of innocence.

Beauty Breakdown: Products for AGENDA’s Cover Story

Beauty Breakdown:  Products for AGENDA’s Cover Story

Our Patriotic theme for the cover story of Agenda was specific in more ways than one. In order to pull off the perfect look on four distinctly different ethnicities, we had to choose our tools carefully.

Cover Story: Team AGENDA

Every year, in the month of July, we are reminded of who we are, and where we are as a country. We set aside politics, gender, ethnicity, and religion and stand as a nation to celebrate the day we declared our independence. At Agenda, we wanted to take a “fashionable” approach to this patriotic practice, with an intentionally diverse cover story.

Pucker Up: SPF for Lips

Pucker Up: SPF for Lips

Dr. Arthur Glosman is a general and cosmetic dentist based in Beverly Hills, and he says lips need just as much protection as any other part of the body. Lips can get sunburned, and make you susceptible for harmful oral and mouth cancers.

Cheers to a Project Ethos Night of Cute-Themed Cocktails, a Breathtaking Collection from a Boston Fashion Designer, and Boys on the Catwalk!

Cheers to a Project Ethos Night of Cute-Themed Cocktails, a Breathtaking Collection from a Boston Fashion Designer, and Boys on the Catwalk!

Project Ethos returned to Avalon Hollywood on June 19, 2012, kicking off summer with its signature showcase of fashion, music, and art. It’s the blend of creative inspiration that always gets my blood pumpin’ a little faster and my heart skippin’ along.