Fitness Couture

Did You Know: Your Weight Can Fluctuate 2-10lbs weekly and it Is Normal

Did You Know: Your Weight Can Fluctuate 2-10lbs weekly and it Is Normal

Your body retains pounds of water for protection and balance. After an intense workout, your muscles (which are 70-75% water) will swell for recovery.

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Did You Know: Almonds Boost Brain Power

Did You Know: Almonds Boost Brain Power

Almonds are high in calories because they are high in healthy fats, an excellent source brain boosting Omega 3’s that also lower LDL levels.

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Runway Model Diet Mistakes & Solutions

Runway Model Diet Mistakes & Solutions

A fashion model’s body has been coveted by countless women since the dawn of the runway. A model’s slim silhouette has dictated the standard fashion industry dress size and, unfortunately, the unrealistic standards many women all too often hold themselves to. Every category of fashion calls for a variant shape, as each shape calls for a different fitness and nutritional approach for the best results.

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9-Step Battle Plan to Weight Loss Resolution Victory

9-Step Battle Plan to Weight Loss Resolution Victory

A healthy lifestyle and body takes planning and some practice, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes effortless. First, decide how much weight you want to lose. Next, give yourself a time frame to reach your goal. A healthy amount of weight loss to expect weekly is between 1-3 pounds (2 pounds being the most common).

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Did You Know: Raised Blood Sugar Tells Your Body to Not Burn Fat

Have you ever wondered why so many health gurus tell you to not eat sugar or to eliminate it all together when dieting? When sugar is running through your blood stream your body releases insulin, which prepares your body for digesting a full meal. The problem is when your insulin levels are up, your body will not burn stored body fat as a source of energy since the insulin is telling your body there is more than enough food coming in. Sugar is everywhere in […]

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Did You Know: You Don’t Need A Gym or Even Expensive Equipment for Great Exercise

Cardio can come in any shape or form ranging from dancing, roller-bladeing, a fitness DVD, hiking, or even great sex if you do it enough. Even organized sports, swimming, and so much more, provide endless opportunities as long as you get your heart rate up (check our heart rate fitness tip).

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Did You Know: Sugar Makes You Eat More, Offsets Your Mood, and Ruins Your Looks

Did You Know: Sugar Makes You Eat More, Offsets Your Mood, and Ruins Your Looks

White refined sugar is the devil, well maybe not in the literal sense but it is pretty bad. Sugar has been frowned upon in the world of health for years now because of its destructive qualities in the body.

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Did You Know: Being Only 2 Percent Dehydrated Can Slow You Down Mentally, Physically, and Leave You Cranky?

The human body is about 60% water with every single cell and process being dependent on water. I’m sure all too often you would rather reach for that juice drink, soda, or even cocktail to quench your thirst but you could be sabotaging your productivity.

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Did You Know: Your Metabolism Is Not a thing, It’s the process of Everything

How fast a car goes is dependent on its part and how well the car uses its fuel. How well it uses its fuel would be its metabolism so to speak. So to increase the cars performance there are countless things that can be modified, upgraded, switched out or cleaned to make it run better or faster.

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Did You Know: Aspartame (Artificial Sweetner) is 10% Poison?

Did You Know:  Aspartame (Artificial Sweetner) is 10% Poison?

10% of Aspartame is made up of methanol/wood alcohol, which is a deadly poison.

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