Fitness Couture

The Anti-Fitness Gift Guide – 5 Gifts Not Intended for a Fit New Year

The Anti-Fitness Gift Guide – 5 Gifts Not Intended for a Fit New Year

So maybe you know someone who just can’t keep from flaunting his/her perfect body, which takes no effort whatsoever to obtain according to that person. This anti-fitness gift guide is for you yourself to avoid, but you might want to use it to gift a small pebble in the path of that pesky perfect body person you might know. We really shouldn’t have even made this gift guide, but what the heck! What’s life without a little fun? Avoid these and enjoy the New Year!

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Review: Cardio Barre – A Ballet Inspired Cardio Class Guaranteed to Trim and Slim

Review: Cardio Barre – A Ballet Inspired Cardio Class Guaranteed to Trim and Slim

This issue we take time to introduce our readers to Cardio Barre of Beverly Hills. Alisa Rather is the proud owner of the 90211 location, not only the owner but loyal client, having lost 70 lbs herself through Cardio Barre. Dancer and choreographer Richard Gloria created Cardio Barre through the eye of his 25 years of classical training.

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Do I Choose Low Calorie, Low Carb, or a Low Fat Diet?

Do I Choose Low Calorie, Low Carb, or a Low Fat Diet?

Calculating your calories regularly takes a lot of commitment and work. You will need to become significantly more aware of everything you eat by flipping over foods, reading every label and calorie facts. This may seem tedious and time consuming at first, but for the long term it isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

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Beating the Stress and Weight Gain Connection

Beating the Stress and Weight Gain Connection

Have you ever noticed that you seem to gain the most weight when you are under considerable amounts of stress? How would you like to put an end to that and no longer have to deal with this pesky weight gain thing? The human body is an amazing machine and doesn’t put extra curves on your midsection to annoy you but to defend itself.

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Double Your Results During Cardio in Half the Time!

Double Your Results During Cardio in Half the Time!

If you find you would consider yourself a cardio warrior, then you know the harder you push during your cardio session, the more accomplished and energized you feel. Unfortunately, finding the time to get a great workout in can be challenging when you have a busy schedule, but the trick is to go harder and not longer by adding upper body fitness to your cardio routine.

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Guy La Brusciano of The Basic Weightloss Bootcamp – An Alternative Solution for Those Who Don’t Like the Gym!

Guy La Brusciano of The Basic Weightloss Bootcamp – An Alternative Solution for Those Who Don’t Like the Gym!

The way exercise specifically helps you lose weight and body fat is that it makes your body run at a higher rate. It increases your metabolism. I am sure you have heard that before. What that means is that your body has a certain energy expenditure it puts out each day.

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Top 5 Tips for Working Out with No Time to Be Found

Top 5 Tips for Working Out with No Time to Be Found

Finding time to work out these days is about as daunting a task as finding a grain of rice on a sandy beach. It’s not exactly easy—or is it? Wanting to be in better shape just isn’t enough these days without some effort, especially when our schedules can be as hectic as the trading room floor near closing. The thought of squeezing any more into a week already brimming with a sea of obligations may leave you seasick alone, but where there is a will […]

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Eight Foods to Boost Your Mood and Not Your Weight

Eight Foods to Boost Your Mood and Not Your Weight

The primary reason food has such power over our mood is because of chemical reactions, hormones, and enzymes busy at work. When food breaks down in our bodies, it triggers various hormones to make us happy, sleepy, energetic, and so many other feelings that will vary depending on the food we ate and its quality.

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Did You Know: 30 Minutes of Exercise Will Boost Your Brain by 10% and Mood by So much More!

Did You Know: 30 Minutes of Exercise Will Boost Your Brain by 10% and Mood by So much More!

A study by Charles H. Hillman, “Cognition Following Acute Aerobic Exercise,” showed a clear improvement in brain cognition by up to 10% after only 20-30 minutes of challenging aerobic exercise. Ten percent more access to your brain on a busy day in exchange for 30 minutes of exercise you should be doing anyway is not a bad deal.

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Did You Know: You Actually Absorb Cold Liquids Faster During Exercise

Did You Know: You Actually Absorb Cold Liquids Faster During Exercise

A cooler body runs more efficiently and just faster over all so you will sweat to cool down or your body will have you feeling weak to slow you down if it is lacking proper hydration to cool itself.

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