
Great Health and Fitness Gifts for Those in Your Life

Great Health and Fitness Gifts for Those in Your Life

We all know how challenging working out, eating nutritionally, living healthy is during the holiday season. Many have failed where many have tried. But this holiday could be the beginning of something new. Get your “giftee” the present of wellness by purchasing him or her one of these coveted fitness-themed gifts.

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Get Fit: The Magic of Muscle Confusion

Get Fit: The Magic of Muscle Confusion

If you’re like us, you’ve no doubt made a New Year’s resolution (for the millionth time) to get into better shape. It seems like we’re all gung ho in January; then we fall off around February or March with plans to do it all over again next year . . .

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Staying Healthy During Your Pregnancy for Plus Size Moms to Be

Staying Healthy During Your Pregnancy for Plus Size Moms to Be

If you are new to exercise, you’ll want to start slowly, perhaps with a 10- to 15-minute, moderately paced walk on a flat terrain. It is recommended that you start your fitness program prior to getting pregnant, but if this is not feasible, no worries, just get started. Being plus size has its challenges with regards to working out; and this does depend on your actual size.

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Cardio Fitness Decisions – Best Workout for Your Lifestyle

Cardio Fitness Decisions – Best Workout for Your Lifestyle

Summer is almost here and that swimsuit is calling your name. Fitness is emphasized this season more than ever whether you are seeking sun by the water or simply wanting to show some hard-earned results for summer events. We all know that good nutrition and cardio training trim us down, but it can be hard to figure out what suits you best or you may lose motivation from the same daily routine.

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Beating the Stress and Weight Gain Connection

Beating the Stress and Weight Gain Connection

Have you ever noticed that you seem to gain the most weight when you are under considerable amounts of stress? How would you like to put an end to that and no longer have to deal with this pesky weight gain thing? The human body is an amazing machine and doesn’t put extra curves on your midsection to annoy you but to defend itself.

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Guy La Brusciano of The Basic Weightloss Bootcamp – An Alternative Solution for Those Who Don’t Like the Gym!

Guy La Brusciano of The Basic Weightloss Bootcamp – An Alternative Solution for Those Who Don’t Like the Gym!

The way exercise specifically helps you lose weight and body fat is that it makes your body run at a higher rate. It increases your metabolism. I am sure you have heard that before. What that means is that your body has a certain energy expenditure it puts out each day.

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Top 5 Tips for Working Out with No Time to Be Found

Top 5 Tips for Working Out with No Time to Be Found

Finding time to work out these days is about as daunting a task as finding a grain of rice on a sandy beach. It’s not exactly easy—or is it? Wanting to be in better shape just isn’t enough these days without some effort, especially when our schedules can be as hectic as the trading room floor near closing. The thought of squeezing any more into a week already brimming with a sea of obligations may leave you seasick alone, but where there is a will […]

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Runway Model Diet Mistakes & Solutions

Runway Model Diet Mistakes & Solutions

A fashion model’s body has been coveted by countless women since the dawn of the runway. A model’s slim silhouette has dictated the standard fashion industry dress size and, unfortunately, the unrealistic standards many women all too often hold themselves to. Every category of fashion calls for a variant shape, as each shape calls for a different fitness and nutritional approach for the best results.

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9-Step Battle Plan to Weight Loss Resolution Victory

9-Step Battle Plan to Weight Loss Resolution Victory

A healthy lifestyle and body takes planning and some practice, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes effortless. First, decide how much weight you want to lose. Next, give yourself a time frame to reach your goal. A healthy amount of weight loss to expect weekly is between 1-3 pounds (2 pounds being the most common).

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