He Said/She Said: The Path to Inner Peace

You don’t have to look far to come in contact with a stressful scenario.  From work to play . . . there are plenty of things to raise your blood pressure and eat away at precious hours meant for sleep. Many of us struggle to find balance, and if we’re lucky, make peace with the everyday stresses of life. We found two people who seem to have found a way.

Star Eisenberg
Yogi & Personal Trainer
Personal Philosophy: Be Present
Star Eisenberg, Personal Trainer -How have you physically changed your perspective to find peace of mind?

Through practice, patience, and studies, I find myself physically capable of much more than I had once thought possible. I have discovered an inner strength that I apply to all facets of my life, not just the physical. I have an innate connection to my body and to honor its truth, understanding that our bodies are constantly changing at any given moment. I have trained my eye to ingest foods that will give me the maximum energy and to allow me to perform at my best. I have learned that the things most worth doing are those that don’t come naturally. This is the only way for growth and transformation to transpire.

-How have you mentally changed your perspective to find peace of mind?

How we act on our mats is a mirror image of how we are in daily life. Over the years, my yoga practice has become one of deep self-reflection. With each practice, I learn something new about myself. My personality. My traits. My habits. To look within and truly know oneself is the most sublime freedom.

-How do you find balance between keeping up with daily obligations and commitments, and taking time for yourself?

Prioritize. In this day and age of technology, social media, and so much constantly going on, distraction can be a deterrent to staying committed to priorities. But through meditation, and daily yoga practice, I am able to remain grounded and centered.

-What would you tell someone who is struggling to find balance and maintain some semblance of peace of mind?
Learn to let go of things you can’t control. Worrying robs your enjoyment of the present moment, which is all that is guaranteed. Appreciate all the experiences in life you have been given, both the good and the bad, because all have shaped you into the person you are. Practice gratitude each and every day for all the blessings in your life. Learn to be at peace with wherever you are in your life’s journey.  Smile, and trust you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Raphael Briscoe, Spoken Word Poet/Youth MentorRaphael Briscoe
Spoken Word Poet/Youth Mentor
Philosophy: See “Amazing” in Everything

-How have you physically changed your perspective to find peace of mind?

In 2011, I decided to become a vegetarian. I wanted to gain a greater understanding of ancient teachings and the roots of Buddhism, and I felt that I could not truly be enlightened if I consumed things that had the potential to sustain life. It was a deeply personal choice, and I’ve found that physically, it has raised my energy levels to a degree that I’ve never before experienced.

-How have you mentally changed your perspective to find peace of mind?

I begin every day with deep meditation. I’ve found that meditating helps me find a positive place to work from throughout my day. No matter what comes at me, I’m able to re-focus any negative energy, and find something positive in response. Over time, it’s become so much of a habit that I don’t even think about it anymore.

-What would you tell someone who is struggling to find balance and maintain some semblance of peace of mind?

Spend some time with yourself, and really learn who you are and what you represent in your environment.  No matter who you are or what you do for employment or enjoyment, you can learn how to be the most positive force in your individual environment.  It also helps to surround yourself with like-minded people.


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