Lisa Blue “Call of the Whale” Sets the Tone for Miami Swim 2013 Collections at the Raleigh Hotel in Miami Beach

There’s nothing like being the opening act. Lisa Blue “Call of the Whale” set a high bar for shows to follow the entire week during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Miami Swim 2013. Designer Lisa Burke has a passion for the gentle giants of the ocean.  Her plea to help save the whale is a moving testimony of her dedication to this endangered species and a clear motivator when creating her stunning swimwear collections every season. Some of the styling was reminiscent of the mermaid and ancient headdresses, not to mention the apparent aqua theme. White and gold suits, as seen in later shows that week, also played a big role.

Dancers appeared early in the fashion show. Then the gypsy bandana-styled swimsuits, cute ruffles, one-shouldered on-pieces with a variety of cuts were also very feminine and very sassy. Red, white and blue was a prevalent theme, too as they also made their way in this diverse show with a variety of  interesting styles.

The 60s (Aretha Franklin) styled models with their bouffant hairdos were cute, but a nice change was the Japanese dragon which set the tone for the next set of swimsuits with dragon prints, ornate headdresses, and oriental accents.

“The dragon is a creature of myth and legend.  A symbol of good fortune and sign of intense power, the Oriental Dragon is regarded as a divine beast – the reverse of the malicious monster that Westerners felt necessary to find and slay.  In Eastern philosophy, the dragon is said to be a deliverer of good fortune and a master of authority.” —Quoted from Lisa Blue’s line sheet. (Original source unknown.)

This collection had it all including coverups, a combination of bikinis, pullovers, and minis.  This colorful collection was accompanied by its grandiose productions, preparing us for each animated subject matter; and the drummers were a really nice touch.  Lisa Blue went from sporty USA with a hint of cowgirl styling to mermaids to gypsies, and the 50s-60s.  The Lisa Blue collection and its themes were imaginative and colorful with a great use of prints.

Lisa Blue at the Raleigh Hotel Dring Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Miami Swim 2013 on July 19, 2012

"Lisa Blue Swim 2013 Collection" Photograohed by Arun Nevader

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