The Secrets to Distribution Part 3 – Genres and Niches
By Kaylene Peoples | July 1st, 2012 | Category: Film Distribution, Indie Hotspot | Comments Off on The Secrets to Distribution Part 3 – Genres and NichesKaylene Peoples interviews Jerome Courshon, creator of “Secrets to Distribution,” who talks about genres and a niche within a niche with the idea of writing your script for distribution before you even shoot the movie. This is very interesting information, and for those of us who aspire to make independent films and actually get them distributed, this information is good to have. Video produced by Agenda Pictures, interviewed, shot, and edited by Kaylene Peoples.

This video interview with distribution expert Jerome Courshon serves as the third part of the 4-part series on distribution for independent filmmakers based on the information in the distribution kit, which costs $600.00. The kit contains nine DVDs and accompanying books. Jerome has been so kind to share his secrets, and he will be offering a 20% discount to filmmakers who would like to purchase the kit through Agenda Magazine. To learn more about “The Secrets to Distribution,” visit