The L’Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival (LMFF) Day 4 – Showcasing Some of Australia’s Finest in Fashion Design

Melbourne Fashion Festival Day 4, photographed by Wendell Teodoro  (WireImage)Agenda Magazine profiles day 4 of the LMFF Melbourne Fashion Festival.  It is the annual celebration of fashion, design, business and creative endeavors for Melbourne, Australia.  The Melbourne Fashion Festival Ltd. was established in 1996 as a not for profit organization promoting the Australian fashion industry and to present the best of Melbourne’s fashion designers.  The L’Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival (LMFF) has become Australia’s premium consumer fashion event.  Featured in day 4 are the following designers:  (Click the designer name to view the fashion show.)

Melbourne Fashion Festival Day 4 Photographed by Wendell Teodoro (WireImage)

1. Alpha 60
2. Arthur Galan
3. Autonomy
4. Bianca Spender
5. Britten
6. Camilla & Marc
7. Campaign
8. Carl Capp
9. Christine
10. Farage
11. Fernando-Frisoni
12. Flannel
13. Ginger & Smart
14. Life With Bird
15. Lisa Ho
16. Lucette
17. Manning Cartel
18. Megan Park
19. Nicola Finetti
20. Three Over One
21. Thurley
21. Vanishing Elephant
23. Yeojin Bae

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One Comment to “The L’Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival (LMFF) Day 4 – Showcasing Some of Australia’s Finest in Fashion Design”

  1. blengas says:

    Good to see that some people really write good content nowadays.