Presented by BackRhoades Productions at Gardena Cinema, this special event is a night of music featuring an all-star lineup including Bunny Brunel, Kaylene Peoples, Nolan Shaheed, Elena Gilliam, Mahesh Balasooriya, Ricky Woodard, and more. The Eaton Canyon Fire left Altadena in ruins—burning 14,021 acres, destroying 9,418 structures, and taking 29 […]
Human Interest
Thoughts Turn into Things – Making Sense of a Violent World
Here’s a Facebook message I sent to a good friend of mine the other day. “I was just checking to see if you and your family were okay from the terrorist attacks in Paris. Please check in with me?” As I read the response in horror, the words kept reverberating . […]
2015 Global Citizen Festival In Central Park To End Extreme Poverty By 2030 – The Show
Saturday, September 26, 2015, was an incredible day for global unity. Hollywood’s musical royalty and the world’s business and government leaders gathered together to help achieve what is just the beginning of our world’s noble goals for Sustainable Development. More than 60,000 citizens attended, while millions watched live throughout the […]
Mandy Moore and Indrani Goradia Help Women of India
Singer, songwriter, and actress Mandy Moore has teamed up with Population Services International (PSI) philanthropist Indrani Goradia in India from September 7-11, 2015, to help show how improving health initiatives in India are improving the lives of girls and women, and building stronger families, communities, the country and its economy. […]