My last concert was a disaster . . . not musically but fashionably. I have only one go-to outfit that looks halfway decent on me and I am really getting tired of dressing for my weight and body instead of wearing the clothes I love. You see I used to be a size 4. I am getting tired of hearing people say, “With age it will be hard to be the size you used to be.”

I wrote about this problem in Agenda’s first collector’s issue “Fitness Couture” back in 2016. I took a bad fall and was laid up for months. I lost all my lean muscle and started to gain weight. I WAS a size 4 when I fell and it took only a couple of years before I ballooned to a size 12! This was devastating. I went on a serious diet. I worked out like a fiend. I was losing the weight and was halfway to my goal weight and dress size. I made it to a size 8. I was shooting for size 6. But then all of a sudden I got a Rosea rash that literally covered my entire body from the neck down and it held me hostage for 6 weeks. After I healed from that horrible rash, I started back to the gym and my routine. But something changed. Nothing worked anymore. No matter how long I stayed at the gym, burning calories, and no matter how many calories I counted (I was averaging 1200 – 1500 calories daily), nothing was happening– I didn’t lose a single pound for months. My body refused to drop the weight. People in the fitness world told me that sometimes the body holds on to the fat and then eventually it will come off. Well, it never came off. And I have been teetering between a size 10 and a size 12 longer than I care to remember. Let me tell you … this is a disaster for a fashionista. Ever since I recovered from that fall almost 6 years ago, I haven’t been happy with my body, and especially my weight.
As a fashion editor, I see a lot of fashion. I review a lot of fashion. Fashion is a very big part of my life. As an entertainer, I need to be fashionable on stage. I have nothing against fuller figured women. Maybe if I’d had more time to get used to being “voluptuous,” it would have been a natural transition. But to have weight suddenly thrust upon you when you’re used to being a certain size, I wish I could unzip my skin and the real me step out of it.
Today I started my 3-week cleanse.

I’m doing the NOURISH Summer Series by Habibi Sport. After trying other plans, I decided to take the plunge. If I can get back the body I want, this plant-based program will have been worth it . . . and that’s coming from the mouth of a carnivore! I will be journaling my experiences. Check out my day of shopping!

You may ask why I chose to blog on “Fashion Talk.” The reason is simple. I’m doing it for the sake of my wardrobe! I knew when Coco Loco the clown greeted me in the parking lot on my way to my second grocery store, I was doing the right thing. 😉
I have to admit that shopping for food will never compare to the high I’ll get from shopping for my new wardrobe! Visit:
#habibisport #nourishsummerseries #vegan #kaylenepeoples