YogaFit’s Founder Beth Shaw – Making a Difference in the Fitness Industry

YogaFit’s Founder Beth Shaw – Making a Difference in the Yoga Industry

From high intensity classes like Tae-Bo and Spinning to lower impact, stress-reducing activities such as Pilates and Tai-chi, fitness has evolved from an exercise to a lifestyle. But no other form of exercise has changed the fitness world more than the practice of yoga. Beth Shaw is recognized throughout the United States, and internationally, as one of the leading experts in the fitness industry. She graduated with a B.S. in Marketing from Long Island University, then made her home on the West Coast.

Shaw is certified in White Lotus Hatha Yoga and Integrative Yoga. As she began teaching yoga and quickly discovered that traditional methods didn’t meet the needs of the fitness club clientele, YogaFit was born. Her unique blend of yoga, strength training, and stretching took the fitness industry by storm; and in 1997, just three years after its inception, YogaFit began training instructors nationwide. Today, there are more than 50,000 YogaFit instructors in the United States and thousands more in Europe, Turkey, Australia, China, and South America.

I visited Beth Shaw’s recently and listened while she shared some of her health tips as well as her business successes.

What made you decide to get into Yoga and create a school?

I have been working out since I was fifteen, and I’ve always loved the health club environment; so when I decided to get trained in Yoga and went through a couple of traditional trainings, I found that they really didn’t meet the needs of the health clubparticipant. So I created YogaFit, which is a user-friendly fitness-oriented user style of Yoga. And the company has grown really fast and very internationally.

What is User-Friendly?

It means that we modify and we make yoga accessible to every different body style and body type to any level of fitness or injury level.

I used to go the gym, and now I have equipment at home. I went to a yoga class maybe twice. Do you think this is becoming a more popular way of exercising now?

It’s definitely becoming more popular. A lot of people are tired of beating up their bodies, and they are looking for something that is going to give them the current body type that is in vogue, which is a longer, leaner look, instead of more muscular.

How did you get started?

I started out of my living room in the early 90s. I was teaching YogaFit-style classes at the major health clubs in Los Angeles. One of my students invested working capital into the business, and I was selling my t-shirts and yoga mats out of the back of my car. I did a cable TV show called “Yoga Fit” that was running some mail order clothing ads. Just doing a bunch of different things, and planted some seeds. Some sprouted and others didn’t.

Tell me about your line then.

We’ve got a full line of yoga clothing. We’ve got a new line of organic clothing, too, that’s sustainable. The fabrics are made from bamboo.

What do your clothes retail for?

They retail anywhere from $59 – $90.

Your actual process of teaching yoga, you said you cater to the individual, is there anything you’d like to share when you’re working with that person?

Well, we really focus on the essence of the practice, not just the physical form, but what they should be feeling in their bodies. And we also emphasize that people should feel, they should breathe, they should let go of judgment, expectation and competition and really listen to their bodies and celebrate the bodies that they’re in. You know their yoga
Practice, or any kind of movement, should first and foremost be safe, but it should also be a celebration of music and breath and movement and sweat.

What age ranges are actually doing yoga today?

Anywhere from 6 to 96.

You also have schools all over the country?

We do. We have partner schools all over the country and we do a lot of our training in health and fitness clubs around the country.

What were some of the highs in creating this empire?

For me, the high is going out on the road, meeting the client, going to one of our mind/ body fitness conferences, getting to lead a class, going on to a health club, teaching master class, getting publicity, and getting the brand out there.

Have you had any pitfalls in trying to create this?

I think the trick in creating a business is to make more good choices than bad, but I’ve definitely made some mistakes and had some heartache along the way. I guess any good business owner would say the same thing.

None you’d like to share?

I made some hiring mistakes. I have made some personal mistakes along the way. You learn from your mistakes. Hopefully, they’re not so bad that you can’t rebound from them and you kind of learn as you go. That becomes the exciting part, it becomes almost a spiritual practice for me. To learn life lessons and keep moving forward.

I guess that’s part of the yoga experience.

And the business of yoga adds a whole new dimension to that.

Explain to the lay person that doesn’t know what yoga really is, and has shied away from it because it’s more the metaphysical/spiritual side of things as opposed to the weight lifting side of things. To someone who is completely unfamiliar with this process and what this is, how would you explain this?

It’s a series of movements: Yoga postures combined with breathing in a flowing, heat-building way that works your body, helps relax your mind. So it’s like your body gets a workout, and your mind gets a mini vacation.

Do you do chants as well?

In our advanced level trainings, yes, we do. But in a normal yogaFit class, you will not find Sanskrit, and you will not find chanting.

Yoga goes as far back as the centuries, right?

A 6,000-year secret to health to health and vitality.

For someone who is out of shape, or who wants to get in vogue with their body this season, or just whatever’s in, how long does something like that take? For instance, somebody who’s 30 or 40 pounds overweight? How long does it take before they start to see results?

They’ll start to see positive results within a week to two weeks. They’ll feel better. They’ll notice that their eating habits change dramatically because they’re getting in touch with their bodies. They’ll notice their back feels better. They’ll have more core center strength. Perhaps they’ll see a bicep or two. And they’ll just feel better from the breath and the focus, and giving themselves time for their body. That’s something in our society today—people do not give their bodies the time that they need. And also, not just going to the gym and lifting weights and running around, but bringing your mind into your body and then giving yourself that time. It really adds a whole new dimension to what fitness truly is.

It probably makes people want to go. For me, I stopped going to the gym. I just work out at home now. Going to the gym for me is not very fulfilling.

And that’s where the yoga becomes much more fulfilling than traditional fitness.

How much does it cost to join your program?

Well, we have advanced level trainings and basic trainings. And a weekend training would be about $300. And they’ll learn the basics of yoga, how to improve their own practice. How to create a practice that is tailored for their body. And also how to be safe and have fun along the way.

What advice would you give someone who’s trying to get their body into shape?

First, I would say just move your body for an hour a day. Go out and do three 20-minute walks, do some yoga, do any kind of movement. People need to get in the habit of moving. Our bodies were made to move. Our minds forget that. I would also say start making portion control a priority. When you get a meal, cut it in half right away. Put half aside for lunch the next day. And start to get your stomach accustomed to just eating less. And make better food choices.

You were even saying that after someone has been in the program for a couple of weeks, they have changes to their eating habits on their own.

That’s the nice thing about yoga. Getting in touch with your body, you don’t have to force yourself to make changes. They happen naturally.

Is there anything you’d like to add?

Yes. Remember any movement is good movement as long as it’s safe movement.

Shaw has been published in numerous fitness, business and consumer publications including SELFFITYoga JournalClub Business International and LA Parent. Her book, Beth Shaw’s YogaFit, is a best seller among Human Kinetics titles. Shaw has been featured on ABC News, the Style Network, CNN, Showtime, Canada AM, and the KCBS talk show Woman to Woman.

For more information about YogaFit and Beth Shaw, visit her website at

Interviewed by Kaylene Peoples

YogaFit for Cyclists – DVD Review

YogaFit for Cyclists – DVD Review

We will be taking a look at YogaFit’s “Yoga for Cyclist” program tailored to improve health and performance while preventing injury for all cycling enthusiasts. This is a great idea for cyclists of all levels in order to achieve better oxygen efficiency, faster recovery, enhanced performance, improved range of motion, and over all better health while reducing any stress and tension you might be harboring as told by YogaFit:

While bicycling and indoor stationary cycling are among the best forms of cardio vascular conditioning, they often leave the participant with tightness, aches and even pain. Using this DVD as a consistent sport related yoga program alleviates many of these symptoms including lower back pain, trapezious stress, and tight hamstrings and quadriceps. Repetitive cycling forces the body in long periods of forward flexion, similar to sitting at a desk for long hours or driving a car. However due to the work involved there becomes the additional problem of tightening in the muscle groups of the lower body, quads, hamstrings and gluteus. This is your perfect tool for balance and stress reduction.

The premise for fusing Yoga into a cyclist regimen is oxygen, stability and mobility. Your muscles operate in either an aerobic mode or anaerobic mode, which basically means with oxygen (aerobic) or without oxygen (anaerobic)–and when the best of the two is aerobic. Its like a burning fire. The more oxygen a fire has, the hotter and stronger it gets. When a fire has no oxygen it simply goes out or in the case of your body, goes into anaerobic mode. When you are performing an exercise for long periods of time, there are periods when you run low on oxygen and your body switches gears to be able to compensate. The problem is the byproduct of that switch. When you are in anaerobic mode your body will lose over 9/10ths of its power and produces lactic acid. This is basically a natural waste substance that your muscles produce when they have to work without oxygen. This byproduct is a big cause of that deep soreness afterward, along with all the damage from the workout of course. The idea is that if you become better at breathing and utilizing oxygen then you can go longer on your bike with out that sore feeling, resulting in a more enjoyable ride. The tightness comes from the lactic acid and from small scar tissue that naturally forms around your muscles from the workout, but this is easily remedied with good stretching and breathing, hence our DVD. The yoga helps stretch all those key cycling muscles so that scar tissue will not shorten the muscle by holding it tight. This means you will sleep better, have less pain, better range of movement, increased oxygen utilization, less injuries, better circulation, and overall enhanced health.

The DVD includes a warm up to be done before your ride in order to keep you safe and ready. We also find the core program which tends to the lengthening, stretching, strengthening and stabilization of the body to thoroughly enhance your rides. When wrapping up your workout you will also find a cool down segment designed to help clear out that fun lactic acid that prolongs your recovery and stretches to help increase range of motion so you can get right back up and ride again the next day even stronger. Good circulation and hydration are best for clearing up lactic acid. If you take care of yourself, your oxygen rich blood will clean it up in a jiffy. The breathing exercises in the video are excellent for helping your body nurture itself. The more efficient your body is at utilizing oxygen the faster you will recover and the better you will feel on a day to day basis, this is one of Yoga’s many powerful elements. The DVD is a great idea and very useful tool for all cyclists, yoga conscious or not. The DVD runs at a good pace and Beth Shaw gives great directions and keeps you very aware of your body so that you don’t injure yourself. So beginners feel free to grab a copy. This DVD can be used by all levels, but please do go at your own pace and know your limits, this is critical in yoga. Leave your ego at the door and your body will thank you.

Reviewed by Anthony Heredia

Read the interview with Beth Shaw

Through The Looking Glass – The Vision Behind YogaFit

Through The Looking Glass – The Vision Behind YogaFit

YogaFit has come to reign as the largest yoga entity in all of North America and currently trains a staggering 11,000 motivated yoga enthusiasts each year with no end in sight. As powerful as yoga is to our overall health, Agenda Magazine felt compelled to unveil the inspirational personality that is quickly becoming fitness royalty in a growing health conscious world. We took the opportunity to discover what has distinguished YogaFit as such an influential presence in the US with some one on one time Beth Shaw herself.

What would you say distinguishes YogaFit from all other Yoga entities out there today?

YogaFit is more than just a yoga company, we are a way of life for millions of people. By that I mean that as a company we stand for philanthropy, helping others, making a positive difference in the world, and helping the group consciousness of the planet evolve. In terms of yoga, we are ‘Real Yoga for Real People .’ This means we take a common sense and safe approach to yoga and try to attract as many people as we can to the practice via a user-friendly fitness based formant.”

It’s fantastic how conscious YogaFit is of its clients needs and very admirable that YogaFit is giving of itself as it prospers. Who would you say you created YogaFit for and why?

I created YogaFit because I saw a need in the marketplace for accessible user-friendly and safe yoga.

What would you say is one of the most common beginner mistakes you encounter in the world of Yoga and what advice would you give to correct it?

Ego plays a huge part in creating expectations and injuries. Trying to master each pose too quickly is unnecessary and injurious to the body/mind.

There are so many potential yoga enthusiast out there today. What words of wisdom do you have for an individual who is deciding whether to begin a journey into yoga?

Try many different styles and teachers. Find out who and what resonates with you -it’s like dating (playful smile).

Your passion for your clients is wonderful. Where do you hope to see YogaFit’s passion take you in a few years?

I hope to see YogaFit rapidly becoming a worldwide global force for positive change and advocacy.

What would you say most inspires you as positive health authority?

The power that fitness yoga and health has over me, and the positive changes they consistently produce in others. Our health is our foundation for everything and our most valuable asset always!”

You must reflect constantly to have such a great out look on life, what is the last significant positive life lesson you have learned?

A small group of concerned citizens can make a difference–everyone can make a difference on this planet, and we all need to.

Why don’t you give our readers a better understanding of Beth Shaw, who do you most admire in this big beautiful world of ours and why?

[I admire] People who walk their talk. I have come in contact with many people who speak ‘ Spiritual-ese’ but fail to live it. I admire Judy Mancuso of Social Compassion who authorized the mandatory spay/neuter bill for California. I admire my animal activist friends like Ellen Levinthal from Animal Alliance who works tirelessly for animals. I admire Gretchen Wilde who founded the humane society genesis awards. I admire Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA–she is the real deal!

It is very refreshing and wonderful to know that you are keeping an eye out for the four-legged inhabitants of this world too along with us two legged creatures. Tell us, what are you most proud of in the long-lived successful life of YogaFit?

The vast amount of community service we have been able to do for humans and animals.

Why don’t you give Agenda readers a sneak peek of your future plans. What exciting projects are you working on currently?

My new book, YogaFit gets released from Human Kinetics Publishing in January. Also, we have some very exciting new class formats like ‘Full Body Blast’ and some great eco-friendly bamboo clothing.

Any last words?

We would love to have more like minded-people join our network – also – Spay & Neuter your pets PLEASE!

Visit YogaFit online at and learn about the 9 mind body fitness conferences nationwide annually.

Interviewed by Anthony Heredia