The Power of Yoga – Being YogaFit
So what is yoga, really? Why is everyone so crazy about it, and what’s in it for me? Well, I see you’re not one for wasting any time, so let us delve in, my dear. Yoga is a 5000-year-old practice consisting of a series of poses known as “asanas,” originating in India. Yoga manifested as an ancient discipline, it sought to instill inner peace through what was known as the “eight-limbed path,” eight rules to follow in order to find one’s self. Be careful, though, as yoga does have its side effects: weight loss, a sculpted body, reduced stress, enhanced self awareness, increased patience/discipline, enhanced moods, dramatically increased flexibility, better sex life, and so much more. Wait a minute! Those are great side effects (you with me?). Yoga was not created for aesthetics; it sought to establish balance in mind through body. The reason yoga is so popular is due to those side effects I listed, sculpting the very essence of your figure while providing a wonderful mental escape. Yoga’s powers stem from using your own body weight as the resistance so that you sculpt long, lean, gorgeous muscle without the fear of bulk (I read somewhere that women hate bulking up, go figure). When holding an asana, you are reaching every tiny muscle involved in that pose (which typically you would not on your own with typical methods), leaving you with that long sought after sculpted look. Yoga is engaging because it forces you to be aware of your body at all times, which I believe is crucial. While holding an asana in yoga, you are asked to focus in on the muscles you are currently using so as to maintain proper form (crucial!). Beth Shaw, founder of YogaFit, is our yoga guru and carries a wonderful approach in her DVD line, as she truly holds your hand throughout the process, all the while making you sweat and sculpt. Form is very important in yoga, so I highly recommend finding a good instructor when looking to incorporate yoga into your regimen. I recently tried YogaFit’s “Pure Power” yoga DVD, and I was humbled by the great workout. The DVD was great in the way it guides you in watching your form as it explains exactly what you are doing as well as why with fantastic results. This video is a bit advanced for most, but Beth Shaw has a line of DVDs, so grab another to begin with; but do grab a few, as they will more than meet anyone’s yoga needs. You can read more about our power woman in the Fall 2007 issue ofAgenda. Well, yoga is a wonderful way of life and a powerful tool that truly challenges you to take the time to know yourself better through body awareness. Yoga sculpts by dripping fat off your body due to the calorie burn from the challenging asanas, the rise in internal temperature, and the wonderful muscle reconstruction process after you’re done, “the after burn.” I simply cannot say enough about yoga, as it releases so much stress, which benefits you in countless ways. The intense sweating is very therapeutic as a detoxifier; the increased muscle endurance is great for day-to-day I challenge one and all to take a taste of yoga with Beth Shaw ( and meditate on it. Take notice of the changes in your mind and body after a month. The results will astound you. Just remember, though, be kind to yourself, and be patient. Written by Anthony Heredia Watch a brief warmup demonstration from the “Pure Power” video by Yogafit’s Beth Shaw. |
Category: Health/Fitness
Teeny Weeny Bikini Body Tips
Health 101 – Rhythm Divine
Let the Rhythm Melt the Weight Away
Fitness Couture
Let the Rhythm Melt the Weight Away
May I have this dance? Our topic this month will be putting the sizzle in shaping the heavenly curves of our lady readers, through rhythm derived from passions defined.
Ladies, who is the clueless authority that said exercise had to be a boring chore? Let’s all hang him by his toes. The best way to shape and sculpt those lovely silhouettes of yours is to get them moving in whatever way gets them to move again and again. So why not sculpt with revitalizing music coursing through your being, a gentleman on your arm (or not), a smile embracing your lovely face, and the night at your beck and call! In order to claim the kind of curves that demand respect, drive men to their knees, and beg your little black dress to dazzle, you must make exercise a way of life and not “a thing to do.” You accomplish this by making it fun, exciting, invigorating, and dare I say, thrilling. Make exercise something you channel passion through. I can hear you all now, “Im supposed to get excited about sweating?”
Well, first of all, ladies “glow.” They don’t sweat; and the answer is a resounding “yes.” This is how. Invoke the passions and fire from within you, setting them free through the art of dance. A dancer’s body is one to behold, wouldn’t you say! Here is a big secret. Most devoted dancers don’t do much extra besides dance for that fabulous body. I personally cannot wait for my workouts because I set the floor afire through salsa myself. I let the divine trance of Latin dance melt me into form, and boy, do I enjoy every sizzling note. Studies have shown that from one night of aerobic dancing you can shave off one-half to one pound and then some (details in Health 101). That’s what I call encouragement to dance again. Not only do you carry a beaming smile, unwind the toils of the week by releasing stress, destroying endorphins, and get better at dancing, but you also get a sculpted body as the cherry on top. In fact, you even burn more calories for the next few days as an extra bonus (details in Health 101). I challenge you this month to dance the night away at least once and see if you don’t come back for more “exercise.”
I can hear you all now with all your reasons for not being able to, but I’ll do you one better and make it even easier. Maybe you can’t get to the night scene, but there is no reason you cannot dance. Take a class in your gym or through professional classes. It’s great to learn something new, and classes nowadays cater to every level of dancer. My instructors Sergio and Salud ( are fantastic. They really take the beginning dancer lacking a single step and nurture her (or him) into a vibrant twirling vision of elegance. You don’t even need a partner nowadays in case your other half doesn’t want to go. Leave that lazy lump at home and twirl those enchanting curves, ladies. Classes from all styles of dance are done in rotating circles, so you learn fast by dancing with multiple partners in a circle of others at your level. If you are still a bit timid, you can even ask to observe a class, most instructors, such as Sergio and Salud, welcome observers, knowing you will fall in love and stay for a twirl or two.
Expand your rhythmic horizons to any and all styles of dance. Let the music take you where it will. Try swing, fox trot, quickstep, tango, hip-hop (you know you secretly love it), samba or any of dozens of others, as long as you love it and are left thirsty for more. I know enjoying exercise is a revolutionary idea, but it’s true, ladies. It can be done. Worse case scenario, find some space at home, set up a big mirror in front of you (or the TV), and blare your own music or DVD as loudly as your heart sees fit. Let your hair down and unwind with the rhythm, the bandleader and the music as your dance partner. The passion and results you’ll invoke are as fantastic as they are liberating.
The reason this feels so wonderful is because the music and dancing stimulate the same endorphin release as that of a good tub of ice cream, except a stronger amount without the guilt, and a body to die for as a reward. One warning, though, for those ladies who opt to take the night out as their weapon of choice: beware of the drinks. The drinking can truly hamper all the wonderful effects I spoke of (details in Health 101); so keep the drinks light or drink water, and your body will thank you. With all that said and done, let us set the night ablaze, dear ladies. Shall we dance?
* All information from this article is taken from Fitness: The Complete Guide. Frederick C. Hatfield, PhD – Edition 8.6.6 735pgs, International Sports Science Association.
Anthony Heredia
Health 101 – Weight Loss
Health 101 – Weight Loss
Well, aren’t you curious! Fantastic questions! Well, before I get into that, please let me make it crystal clear that there are many reasons why we gain weight and why we can’t lose it, so please don’t let me over simplify anything. I have specialized in weight loss for years, and there are a multitude of reasons. I will make sure to address anything Agenda‘s readers (but only Agenda readers, no one else, of course) might want to know about in this new phenomenal health addition to Agenda. So with that said, I will give some specifics as to how much someone should eat to lose weight with average circumstances given for now. The trick to weight loss is simply to use up more energy than you take in (food and stored fat are energy). Now, you first have to make sure you don’t eat less than your body’s safety point, called your BMR. This is basically how many calories you would burn if you were to just sit for a 24-hour period. If you are not active at all, eating your BMR (basal metabolic rate) calories only is a good start until you get moving more. To find your BMR, simply multiply your body weight times 10, and that will give you a great estimate. If you are fairly active (1-3 workouts a week), add 2-300 calories on top of your BMR to keep everything working properly. If you are very active (4-5 workouts a week) add 4-500 calories so that your body can take the beating. Please note that when you’re very high in activity, your body needs a lot more. If you give it less than what it needs, it will simply rebel by slowing you down to conserve energy. So work with it and not against it. I would recommend getting some professional help to modify some things for you so that you get the best out of your workouts if things get hard. If you just want something to calculate your calories for you, go, and the work is done for you. Remember to spread those calories you are supposed to have evenly throughout the day over at least 6 meals so that your body feels safe and gives you the best results. I must urge you all not to cut meals as it will make it longer and harder to lose weight. If you want more results just work out more often or harder, and your body will love you for it, rewarding your efforts with that engaging silhouette you are seeking. Your body doesn’t know you’re working out to look better or feel better, it simply reacts. If you go hard and don’t give your body enough fuel, it will simply rebel and slow your metabolic process to conserve precious energy. A car without enough gas will just stop, but your body will make you tired sooner, sleepier more often, and drain your good moods. This all can be avoided by giving it the right fuel. Hard work and eating frequently are weight-loss’s greatest weapons. If you eat once, twice, maybe three times on a good day, then food is typically scarce in the world of your body; so it holds onto the weight a lot more aggressively for self preservation. You see, one reason your body holds onto the body fat is because it thinks it needs it, like a camel storing water for hard times. No hard times means no aggressive storage, means no muffin top. So eat, for goodness sake! Now that we’ve got you eating, let us address activity a bit more and how hard you should push. This is where many go wrong and have no clue what they are doing wrong. The human body responds best when it is pushed. It’s marvelous! You see, your body is great at doing as little as possible (go figure). Its primary purpose is to be as efficient as possible. Why use 300 calories for that run if we can get it down to 100 calories? That’s what your body was designed to do, so the best way to approach activity is to challenge your body with one notch past comfortable. Problem is that in general we have a tendency not to push ourselves hard enough. You know that’s true, so don’t even start with me. We push as much as we can, and when we get to that comfort border, we stop and take a break until we get back down to the lower end of the comfort gauge. Problem here is that the best and quickest results are past that sweaty border. The best way to overcome this is to take a class at your gym, any class that you want, but stay for the whole class no matter how tired or out of place you feel. This isn’t about being perfect; it’s about progress. The idea is to get an idea of what that border is and learning to push past it, even if it takes getting yelled at for an hour to do it. This is almost always the best way to start. If that isn’t enough, take a boot camp course or get a trainer (article on picking the right trainer to come). Now let’s get more specific on intensity. In general if you are in good health (please consult your physician before beginning a hard regimen), you should be getting your heart rate up between 70-80% of your heart rate for cardio workouts and try to keep it there for as long as you can for now. To find that out simply subtract your age from 220, and that will give you your 100%. Multiply that by 0.7 and 0.8 to give you that range (i.e. 220 – 35yrs = 185 max heart rate, then 185 x 0.7 and 0.8 = a target heart range of 130-148 for a kick-butt fat-shredding workout). Buy yourself a heart monitor if you don’t want to be held to a machine, or you can always use the one built into the machines if that is where you plan to be. Weight training in itself is a whole other article that we will approach later, but for now, find a great class, boot camp, or trainer that will do the trick. Well, that’s it for now ladies. That is how to shred the body fat off your bodies in a nutshell. Fuel your bodies and push them hard, and they will reward you with heavenly curves to die for. Days of starvation and silly diets are numbered if I have anything to do about it (and I do). There is always more depth to all these subjects, so stay tuned and make sure to voice your opinions and questions in Agenda’s health blog. I promise to help as much as I can as our new health relationship develops. Until we meet again, I bid you all adieu, fair ladies. * All Information from this article is taken from Fitness: The Complete Guide, Frederick C. Hatfield, PhD – Edition 8.6.6, 735pgs, International Sports Science Association. By Anthony Heredia |
How to Drop a Dress Size in a Month the Right Way
How to Drop a Dress Size in a Month the Right Way
I would love to focus on empowering readers of all levels of health awareness, so I have decided to give you a nice, simple general overview of how to drop a dress size in about a month (and keep the weight off). But for those nutrition buffs, I will be adding more technical info in our “Health 101” section, which will include more technical specifics for everything. That way you have a choice on how deep you would like to go into our subject.
So now back to that pesky weight we want to just fall off. The easiest way to get your bodies to lose those bothersome pounds is to make your body feel safe.
So what do you mean by safe? Why doesn’t my body feel safe?
Good questions, and now here are some good answers. Well, you see, your body holds onto body fat for what it believes to be good reasons and not just to give you a hard time, as you might think. Remember, your body doesn’t care what you look like. It doesn’t care what car you drive, what job you have, what designer name you’re wearing; who you know, what style is in fashion, what color hair you have, or even who you married. Your body has better things to worry about like, hmmm, survival. So you have to work with your body to get it to do what you want. Your body doesn’t like change, such as weight loss if it is forced. It hates unnecessary change because your body sees it as stress. This is why, when you find a quick way to drop some weight, it comes back with a vengeance, because your body is basically rebelling. The question then is, So how do I get my bratty body to do what I want without putting it in self-defense mode? You give it what it needs. Yup, that’s it! The big secret is out now. Cars need gas, oil, coolant, steering fluid, etc.; and your body is a bit more complicated, so it needs a few things, too. Why our bodies hold onto weight is an article in itself, so you can look forward to that in a future article. So get to it, you say. How do I make it feel safe to get what I want!? Well, aren’t you the eager one! That is a fantastic question, and here is the fantastic answer: eat! I know you have heard it before, but it’s true, and here is how. Why will be in Health 101. First thing you should do is start by eating every 2-3 hours. Start with breakfast within 30-60 minutes of getting up in the morning to kick start your metabolism. What this will do is train your body not to hold onto the weight and basically tell your body that we don’t need the extra weight, so it is safe to let go now. If you eat a little something every 2-3 hours, then there is a steady stream of nourishment coming into your body so it has no strong reason to hold onto its storage, your body fat. You can find out how much you should eat at Eating every 2-3 hours is easy, so no excuses. It’s as easy as: cereal with milk and a 2-3 egg white omelet for breakfast; fruit and 7 almonds as a next snack; a sandwich or hearty salad with meat midday; fresh baby carrots and celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, or tons of others, as a next snack; a nice 3-part dinner with half the plate being a favorite veggie, one part 3-4 oz. of lean meat, a cup of rice, beans, pasta, or any other starch of your choice; and finally, some cottage cheese with a little fruit as a night snack, and you’ve got a full on-track day. More ideas for menus to come! It can be easy, ladies. You can take control of your bodies if you want to. The basic idea is to eat a little bit at least 6 times a day every 2-3 hours, and your body will feel safe to let that weight go, even without calorie counting (specific calories in Health 101), and watch how your body responds. Don’t just take my word for it. How you feel and the shape of your body will tell all. Step two is exercise, which can be so much fun if you let it be. It’s easier than you think. Exercise doesn’t have to be a dreadful thing. Make it fun or a personal challenge. You don’t have to be stuck in a gym staring at the wall and being gawked at to get a good workout, ladies. Think outside the box and expand your horizons. You can swim, bike, jog; take a hike, take a boot camp; power walk with a friend, fly (well maybe not); roller blade, take up a martial arts, play with your kids, play a sport; or my favorite, dance the night away with a feverish step and a twinkle in your eye and your girls or lucky man by your side . . . Heck! Dance at home for goodness sake! The idea is move! The best way to exercise is to do it in a way that gets you to do it again. So eating sensibly every 2-3 hours is the body’s gas, and the magic comes from your finding a way to get that gorgeous figure of yours moving and sweating (I mean glowing because ladies don’t sweat of course, they glow). These two steps will shed a dress size off you in about a month for sure. Now for the impatient ladies who want more sooner, details can be found in Health 101, but the basic idea will be to push harder. So how do I drop that dress size? Well, O. K., I’ll recap it all for you this once, but only once, so pay attention. Step one is eat, please. Aim for every 2-3 hours, and if you’re afraid of heavy calories, then eat 3 square meals a day and graze on fresh veggies all day long, and that will get your body feeling safe with a steady source of food so that it will release that weight. Step two is to work out at least 3 times a week in one way or another, as long as you get moving and sweating (excuse me, I mean glowing) and go back for more. Remember to push hard enough to feel challenged, or else you won’t get enough bang for your sweaty buck. Be kind to yourself. Your body and life will be so much better, ladies, so have fun moving that body; and stay close for more updates on shaping the new empowered you. Also, remember that if this didn’t satisfy your thirst, make sure to delve into Health 101 for the nitty gritty of it all. Until we meet again. * All Information from this article is taken from Fitness: The Complete Guide, Frederick C. Hatfield, PhD – Edition 8.6.6, 735pgs, International Sports Science Association. Written by Anthony Heredia |
YogaFit for Cyclists – DVD Review
YogaFit for Cyclists – DVD Review
We will be taking a look at YogaFit’s “Yoga for Cyclist” program tailored to improve health and performance while preventing injury for all cycling enthusiasts. This is a great idea for cyclists of all levels in order to achieve better oxygen efficiency, faster recovery, enhanced performance, improved range of motion, and over all better health while reducing any stress and tension you might be harboring as told by YogaFit:
“While bicycling and indoor stationary cycling are among the best forms of cardio vascular conditioning, they often leave the participant with tightness, aches and even pain. Using this DVD as a consistent sport related yoga program alleviates many of these symptoms including lower back pain, trapezious stress, and tight hamstrings and quadriceps. Repetitive cycling forces the body in long periods of forward flexion, similar to sitting at a desk for long hours or driving a car. However due to the work involved there becomes the additional problem of tightening in the muscle groups of the lower body, quads, hamstrings and gluteus. This is your perfect tool for balance and stress reduction.”
The premise for fusing Yoga into a cyclist regimen is oxygen, stability and mobility. Your muscles operate in either an aerobic mode or anaerobic mode, which basically means with oxygen (aerobic) or without oxygen (anaerobic)–and when the best of the two is aerobic. Its like a burning fire. The more oxygen a fire has, the hotter and stronger it gets. When a fire has no oxygen it simply goes out or in the case of your body, goes into anaerobic mode. When you are performing an exercise for long periods of time, there are periods when you run low on oxygen and your body switches gears to be able to compensate. The problem is the byproduct of that switch. When you are in anaerobic mode your body will lose over 9/10ths of its power and produces lactic acid. This is basically a natural waste substance that your muscles produce when they have to work without oxygen. This byproduct is a big cause of that deep soreness afterward, along with all the damage from the workout of course. The idea is that if you become better at breathing and utilizing oxygen then you can go longer on your bike with out that sore feeling, resulting in a more enjoyable ride. The tightness comes from the lactic acid and from small scar tissue that naturally forms around your muscles from the workout, but this is easily remedied with good stretching and breathing, hence our DVD. The yoga helps stretch all those key cycling muscles so that scar tissue will not shorten the muscle by holding it tight. This means you will sleep better, have less pain, better range of movement, increased oxygen utilization, less injuries, better circulation, and overall enhanced health.
The DVD includes a warm up to be done before your ride in order to keep you safe and ready. We also find the core program which tends to the lengthening, stretching, strengthening and stabilization of the body to thoroughly enhance your rides. When wrapping up your workout you will also find a cool down segment designed to help clear out that fun lactic acid that prolongs your recovery and stretches to help increase range of motion so you can get right back up and ride again the next day even stronger. Good circulation and hydration are best for clearing up lactic acid. If you take care of yourself, your oxygen rich blood will clean it up in a jiffy. The breathing exercises in the video are excellent for helping your body nurture itself. The more efficient your body is at utilizing oxygen the faster you will recover and the better you will feel on a day to day basis, this is one of Yoga’s many powerful elements. The DVD is a great idea and very useful tool for all cyclists, yoga conscious or not. The DVD runs at a good pace and Beth Shaw gives great directions and keeps you very aware of your body so that you don’t injure yourself. So beginners feel free to grab a copy. This DVD can be used by all levels, but please do go at your own pace and know your limits, this is critical in yoga. Leave your ego at the door and your body will thank you.
Reviewed by Anthony Heredia
Read the interview with Beth Shaw
Through The Looking Glass – The Vision Behind YogaFit
Through The Looking Glass – The Vision Behind YogaFit
YogaFit has come to reign as the largest yoga entity in all of North America and currently trains a staggering 11,000 motivated yoga enthusiasts each year with no end in sight. As powerful as yoga is to our overall health, Agenda Magazine felt compelled to unveil the inspirational personality that is quickly becoming fitness royalty in a growing health conscious world. We took the opportunity to discover what has distinguished YogaFit as such an influential presence in the US with some one on one time Beth Shaw herself.
What would you say distinguishes YogaFit from all other Yoga entities out there today?
YogaFit is more than just a yoga company, we are a way of life for millions of people. By that I mean that as a company we stand for philanthropy, helping others, making a positive difference in the world, and helping the group consciousness of the planet evolve. In terms of yoga, we are ‘Real Yoga for Real People .’ This means we take a common sense and safe approach to yoga and try to attract as many people as we can to the practice via a user-friendly fitness based formant.”
It’s fantastic how conscious YogaFit is of its clients needs and very admirable that YogaFit is giving of itself as it prospers. Who would you say you created YogaFit for and why?
I created YogaFit because I saw a need in the marketplace for accessible user-friendly and safe yoga.
What would you say is one of the most common beginner mistakes you encounter in the world of Yoga and what advice would you give to correct it?
Ego plays a huge part in creating expectations and injuries. Trying to master each pose too quickly is unnecessary and injurious to the body/mind.
There are so many potential yoga enthusiast out there today. What words of wisdom do you have for an individual who is deciding whether to begin a journey into yoga?
Try many different styles and teachers. Find out who and what resonates with you -it’s like dating (playful smile).
Your passion for your clients is wonderful. Where do you hope to see YogaFit’s passion take you in a few years?
I hope to see YogaFit rapidly becoming a worldwide global force for positive change and advocacy.
What would you say most inspires you as positive health authority?
The power that fitness yoga and health has over me, and the positive changes they consistently produce in others. Our health is our foundation for everything and our most valuable asset always!”
You must reflect constantly to have such a great out look on life, what is the last significant positive life lesson you have learned?
A small group of concerned citizens can make a difference–everyone can make a difference on this planet, and we all need to.
Why don’t you give our readers a better understanding of Beth Shaw, who do you most admire in this big beautiful world of ours and why?
[I admire] People who walk their talk. I have come in contact with many people who speak ‘ Spiritual-ese’ but fail to live it. I admire Judy Mancuso of Social Compassion who authorized the mandatory spay/neuter bill for California. I admire my animal activist friends like Ellen Levinthal from Animal Alliance who works tirelessly for animals. I admire Gretchen Wilde who founded the humane society genesis awards. I admire Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA–she is the real deal!
It is very refreshing and wonderful to know that you are keeping an eye out for the four-legged inhabitants of this world too along with us two legged creatures. Tell us, what are you most proud of in the long-lived successful life of YogaFit?
The vast amount of community service we have been able to do for humans and animals.
Why don’t you give Agenda readers a sneak peek of your future plans. What exciting projects are you working on currently?
My new book, YogaFit gets released from Human Kinetics Publishing in January. Also, we have some very exciting new class formats like ‘Full Body Blast’ and some great eco-friendly bamboo clothing.
Any last words?
We would love to have more like minded-people join our network – also – Spay & Neuter your pets PLEASE!
Visit YogaFit online at and learn about the 9 mind body fitness conferences nationwide annually.
Interviewed by Anthony Heredia
The Super Berry Sweeping the U.S – Acai Revealed – Brazilian Berry Destroys Cancer
The Super Berry Sweeping the U.S – Acai Revealed
Brazilian Berry Destroys Cancer
The power-packed Acai berry (ah-SAH’-ee) is making headlines as reports of its healing properties sweep the nation. The power-packed super berry is relatively new to the U. S. market but has been consumed by millions in South America for thousands of years. The origin of our bullet berry lies deep in the jungles of the Amazon, Brazil, and various areas surrounding Peru. The acai berry is found in bunches of 700-900, high above in palm trees and is harvested only twice a year, making it a precious commodity. This precious gem has been touted as a treasure because of its extremely high antioxidant levels and unique healing properties. Oxidation is a highly destructive process that occurs in our bodies and causes a wide variety of consequences, ranging from the wrinkles women avoid fervently to the very serious cancer. Experts are constantly in pursuit of an upper hand on cancer, and the acai berry has thus far proven itself a cancer weapon to be reckoned with. Published in the 2006 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a study showed extracts from the acai berry triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested, according to Stephen Talcott, an assistant professor with University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Talcott further expressed, “This was only a cell-culture model and we don’t want to give anyone false hope. We are encouraged by the findings, however. Compounds that show good activity against cancer cells in a model system are most likely to have beneficial effects in our bodies.” The study consisted of six different chemical extracts prepared in seven concentrations. Four of the extracts were shown to kill significant numbers of leukemia cells when applied for 24 hours. Depending on the extract and concentration, anywhere from about 35 percent to 86 percent of the cells died. Nothing is for certain, though, since factors such as nutrient absorption, metabolism, and the influence of other biochemical processes may influence the antioxidants’ chemical activity in the human body.
In order to understand this little wonder’s potency in an example closer to home we will compare it to the highly acclaimed blueberry in order to convey its famously high antioxidant levels which keep your skin youthful and vibrant and your body healthy. We will take a look at the levels of flavanoids and anthocyanin in these fruits, as these are the elements that give them their fame and glory. These elements are significant because modern science has yet to fully understand and bottle these powerful elements. These are components of the fruits that you cannot go out and buy off shelves. In order to fully reap the benefits of these elements, you must come as close as possible to the natural source, hence “the fresher, the better.” For every fresh 3⁄4 cup of blueberry we find a respectable 113mg of 8 Flavanoids. In comparison, the acai berry pulls in an unprecedented 1289mg of over 15 rare Flavanoids for the same amount.
So far, only fundamental research has been done on acai berries, which contain at least 50 to 75 as yet unidentified compounds, but nonetheless this berry ranks highest in its class. Vital to maintaining this juggernaut’s potency, though, is in the preservation and handling of the fruit. Not all Acai is created equal, so buyers beware. All these tests were taken with flash frozen (freeze-dried) samples. This is relevant as freeze drying the berries and fast handling is significantly more expensive for companies, so many will use consumers’ lack of knowledge to their advantage. Many companies opt to take the more lucrative route of standard handling and drying of the berries, significantly compromising the levels of potency. Make no mistake, though, even with the more standard handling, the acai berry still maintains its title in the world of fruits and vegetables. When freeze dried the acai is 12 times more potent, compared to when it is simply dried and reduces to 3 times stronger than our blueberry by the time it reaches consumers. The means of testing antioxidant levels of food are with a test referred to as the ORAC or “oxygen radical absorbance capacity” analysis. Our acai rated at 1027 micromol TE/g. There is no need to understand those measuring units; but now that you understand how potent the acai is, you can appreciate the ORAC rating of other power health foods. Other powders with ORAC values this high include cinnamon (2675 micromol TE/g), cloves (3144 micromol TE/g), turmeric (2001 micromol TE/g), and dried oregano (1593 micromol TE/g) (Wu, 2004).
100 g (4/5 cup) of pure acai pulp contains 52.2 g carbohydrates, 8.1 g protein and 32.5 g total fat. The carbohydrate portion, though, includes 44.2 g of fiber. Having nearly one-third of its mass as dietary fiber, Acai is an exceptional source of this valuable macronutrient, providing all the recommended fiber needs for adults (30 g per day). Acai is particularly rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and the polyunsaturated Omega-6 fatty acid, linoleic acid, a rare combination. The combination of elements in our Acai berry allows it to demolish an immense amount of threats to our bodies, bringing new levels of health to our lives. All in all, the Acai comes highly recommended. Feel free to enjoy it in any and all products you find, but do make sure that if you are seeking to bask in the cornucopia of benefits we discussed, that you find those on which was spent the extra money to freeze dry the product. Here is a benefit recap our Brazilian juggernaut ushers into our lives. Enjoy the anti-aging, cancer fighting wonder, Agenda readers.
* Boosts energy levels
* Improves digestive function
* Improves mental clarity/focus
* Promotes sound sleep
* Provides all vital vitamins
* Contains several important minerals
* Is an extremely powerful free radical fighter
* Acai has very high levels of fibers
* Cleanses and Detoxifies the body of infectious toxins
* Strengthens your immune system
* Enhances sexual desire and performance
* Fights cancerous cells
* Slows down the aging process
* Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin
* Alleviates diabetes
* Normalizes and regulates cholesterol levels
* Helps maintain healthy heart function
* Minimizes inflammation
* Improves circulation
* Prevents artherosclerosis
* Enhances visual acuity
1. Cancer Study References – Tom Nordlie, Stephen Talcott, and Joshua Bomser,
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Getting Your Other Half off the Couch
Getting Your Other Half off the Couch
The average American reaching age 77 will have viewed over 150,000 hours of TV in his/her lifetime. (Are you kidding me!?) That equates to spending roughly 17 years of one’s precious life in front of a glowing box. Absolutely horrendous! According to the surgeon general, more than 60 percent of American adults don’t exercise regularly and 25 percent aren’t active at all. The Center for Disease Control says that 34 percent of Americans are overweight, and more than 72 million people were obese from 2005 to 2006. Inertia has become a national emergency. Had I not excavated the research myself, I wouldn’t have believed it. This issue of Fitness Couture will be dedicated to tackling the daunting task of prying our significant other off that couch in a manner that won’t result in law enforcement showing up at your door. Let us avoid that whole sirens-blaring scenario, shall we? Exercise is absolutely omnipotent in the way it enhances every single aspect of your life. Being fit enhances self esteem and energy levels; it promotes better sleep patterns, clearer thinking, promotions at work─yes, you read that right─relieves depression, and improves complexion. Living fit slows aging, regulates sex drive, regulates hormone levels, increases work productivity, and enhances the immune system, along with so much else. There are a myriad reasons as to why someone should get fit, but today we are going to highlight the fact that couples who live a fit life together stick to their programs longer, as well as stay together longer and happier. Once you are inspired to help your loved one at the end of this article, head over to Health 101 for help with a battle plan for actually getting him/her moving.
For some, exercise is an outlet. I know that I consider my workout time “me” time. I don’t take my cell phone with me or let anyone know I’m out running so I can disappear if even for a moment, but there are always those times when I would love some company. It’s about balance. You might love exercise as “you” time, which is fine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t share a workout or two, getting your potato of a spouse motivated. Here are just 6 benefits to exercising with your partner that you might not have thought of.
1. Balance – With many couples, one partner tends to favor cardio (typically women), while the other tends to favor strength training (typically men). By working out together, you can balance your workout program to include more of both while educating each other. Let your partner teach you about the areas of fitness you’re unsure of, and be open to new fitness experiences.
2. Quality Time – Couples spend most of their time apart due to careers and regular responsibilities. Instead of working out alone every time, why not plan a little workout time that fits both of your schedules. The couple that sweats together stays together after all. You’ll reach your fitness goals without sacrificing that one-on-one time every partnership needs.
3. Respect and Pride – These topics are immense deal breakers. Getting in shape for someone who doesn’t appreciate the work has ended many a relationship. By working out together at least once a week, you both can respect each other more by seeing what it takes each other to be healthy. Taking care of your body and your health also shows your other half that you care about him/her by wanting to be around for years to come.
4. Inspiration and Support – Getting encouragement and praise from your partner is one of the best motivators. When he/she sees you sweating bullets, it creates admiration. The absolute best compliment anyone can give someone is, “You make me want to be a better person.” You become inspiration. It helps both of you to remain consistent, take care of one another, and inspires you to continue your workout program.
5. Teamwork and Safety – Working out together gives you a chance to work on your communication skills and teamwork. With someone else watching your form and being there to spot you when you need it, you’ll exercise more safely than if you were alone. This creates fantastic bonding and trust.
6. Sexual Desire – Exercise produces chemicals in the brain that evoke feelings of happiness, reduce stress, and also increase arousal and libido. Several studies show that men and women who exercise regularly report better (and more frequent) sex with their partners. Watching your partner grunt, sweat and combat a hard workout regimen can be a powerful aphrodisiac, but don’t take my word for it. Let me know how this all turns out Agenda readers, don’t forget to check out Health 101 for a battle plan. Until we meet again I bid thee all adieu.
With these workout ideas for couples, you and your partner can spend quality time together while you stay on track to reaching your goals.
A.C. Nielsen Co Study – 2007
Written by Anthony Heredia