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Anthony Heredia – Fitness Couture Writer for Agenda Magazine
Health shouldn’t be intimidating. Feeling good about yourself is critical to living a fulfilled life. When you feel great, you radiate. Imagine what kind of world this would be if we were all happy and in good health. -Anthony Heredia-
From teaching us how to drop a dress size in a month to informing us about the dangers of not getting enough sleep, Fitness Couture’s Anthony Heredia has been the voice of health and fitness for almost a year. I’ve heeded his advice many times and have seen for myself just how valid and necessary his contributions are.
You have a passion for fitness and health. What sparked that passion?
My passion for health and fitness started with my own weight loss story. I had been obese my entire life. I didn’t know a thin day until I was 18. I was tired of being 300 lbs and wanted to do something about it. I did what I always do when I don’t understand something, research. The first 40 lbs I lost with a popular weight loss program, but I soon became more knowledgeable than my counselors. I read everything I could get my hands on that related to weight loss. All my neighbors asked what my secret was, so I helped them with the little bit I knew at the time; and they lost weight. It was such a great feeling. I was hooked. I have now been in the health & fitness industry over eight years, 100 lbs of body fat lighter, and have had the pleasure of helping hundreds of lives personally; and now through Agenda I can reach millions. I beat the weight loss/gain cycles by educating myself, and now I am able to share that with others.
You’ve been writing for Agenda for a year now. How do you feel you have grown as a writer?
My style and skills in writing have grown exponentially, thanks to the highly experienced nurturing staff. I was a health guy in a high fashion world with no previous fashion affiliations; I had a lot to adapt to. I am a quick learner, so I attended numerous fashion events and asked countless questions to grow quickly. As a writer I have grown to be more empathetic to my readers and more conscious of their concerns and needs. My fashion-forward colleagues are a great resource for choosing topics relevant to our readers. They help me stay effective in translating confusing health and fitness information into the polished package that our readers can enjoy and apply to their lives. I believe to be a good writer, I must stay inquisitive and passionate and in tune with my readers.
Is there any particular health/fitness topic that is difficult to write about?
To be honest, no, but that’s because I am fascinated by the human body. By this fall I will have nine years of experience and eight health credentials, varying from fitness, nutrition, and weight loss to a Master’s in massage and physical therapy for balance; but I still believe you can never know enough. There is just so much to learn, but I love it all—that’s why it’s not difficult. I am going to remain a student of the human body forever. No one knows everything, regardless of how many degrees or years of experience they have. When I am asked to write an article about a subject I don’t fully understand, I get excited—time to research. I get the opportunity to dive into medical journals, textbooks, and research a subject I am passionate about, learn something new and grow. Nothing is truly difficult when you truly care. I am curious by nature, always wanting to know more so that I can translate it for those who need it.
What is your focus when you are writing? What do you want to accomplish with your writing?
My job when writing is to translate tedious technical medical info into something our readers can understand, enjoy, and apply to improve their lives. The deterioration of our nation’s health is not because of a lack of access to knowledge but a glitch in communication—translating this heavy information into something the average person can relate to and apply. People care; they are just lost and just confused by the barrage of information: “Whom do I listen to and believe?” I wish I could magically zap what I know into everybody in this world. I am invested in helping everyone I can because I believe that living a healthy life should not be luxury. I find it a privilege to serve as a translator to those who care to listen.
What are your goals in the fitness/health industry?
Although I am a health writer for a fashion magazine, I am invested long term in helping all people from every walk of life. I want to help improve the quality of life of as many people as I can on as large a scale as possible in my lifetime. I want to be a voice of reason in a sea of insanity and confusion. I want to empower by giving the tools needed to reach realistic health goals so people will lead happier, longer, more productive lives. It’s not always about looking great. Sometimes a mom just wants to keep up with her kids, or a dad wants to avoid health complications, or a grandfather wants to live to see his grandkids graduate from college. My ultimate goal is to learn as much as I can, condense and translate vital health and fitness information into realistic affordable solutions.
Your column is “Fitness Couture.” How does women’s fashion play a role in shaping an article? Are there any challenges writing for this demographic?
When I first jumped in, I wondered how a fitness grunt like myself was going to meld into this couture fashion world—but it wasn’t that hard. Fashion is art draped upon bodies that best reflect the artistic vision of the designer to bring their image to life. To me the human body is art, clay that can be shaped and molded with the proper vision and knowledge. I delved into the fashion world by simply studying everything about the numerous body types in runway shows as I sat and watched front row. While my editor broke down the fashion, I broke down the body underneath the fashion.
If you could offer three tips to people about health and fitness, what would they be?
There are NO magic bullets. 1) If it sounds too good to be true, walk away fast! For long-term results, you must learn about yourself and make positive changes in your lifestyle that work for you. Balance customized to your lifestyle is key. 2) There is always an answer. If you have a realistic goal and just can’t seem to reach it, don’t give up. Do your research and find compassionate help. There is always a solution but some problems you can’t beat alone. Don’t give up! 3) Work with your body, not against it. The human body adapts to what you do to it. Starve it and it goes into self-defense mode; over feed it and it stores the excess. Deprive it of rest and it becomes weak and slow. You get the idea? It is doing what it does best—surviving. Find a healthy balance and give your body what it needs and when it needs it consistently, and I promise your health and figure will transform significantly.
Interviewed by Kaylene Peoples
Lee L. Peoples: Copy Editor and Book Reviewer – The Second Artery that Is Agenda Magazine
Agenda Magazine wouldn’t be what it is if it weren’t for Lee Peoples, our copy editor and book reviewer. It seems as though Lee lives and breathes syntax. She is the second artery that gets the heart beating. And Agenda wouldn’t be what it is today without her.
You have been the copy editor for Agenda since the very beginning. Many people would consider what you do extremely tedious. How do you feel about copy editing?
Yes, Agenda was begun in 2004, the last year of my teaching career in the classroom. It ideally fit right into what I had been doing for the better part of my life, and it was one of the goals I set for myself upon retiring the following year. I could still “teach English” without the daily commute, the only thing I hated about my work.
Some might think editing and proofreading tedious, but I enjoy it, especially when I see that what I do not only benefits the magazine but also helps the writers in some small way to be the creative writers they are. In most cases, it’s just a matter of synchronizing style; but in others my editing actually helps the writer become better. I love teaching, and I have always taken pride in fostering growth in others. And with each article I learn something new, as in every day in the classroom I always gleaned something new.
Give a little bit of your background.
I retired from the Los Angeles Unified School District in 2005, where I had spent forty-one years as a teacher of English. I received a Bachelor of Science degree from Grambling College, Louisiana, in 1960. Later, I did graduate work at UCLA and Cal State Long Beach. My first teaching experience was done in Augsburg, Germany, where I spent two years with my husband who was in the Army there. I began my family there. I also taught in the Army Education Center, where I prepared soldiers for the English part of the GED so that they could get their high school diplomas.
My teaching experience in California began in junior high school where I taught English composition and language arts to my favorites, seventh and ninth graders; and ended years later in senior high school. My experiences included teaching all levels of English and language arts, from remedial to average to advanced placement. I have been English department chairperson, master teacher, training teacher, and mentor to many new teachers. I have worked with the district in curriculum. I owe my many successes to my own love of learning, originally engendered in me by my parents and older siblings, and my insatiable thirst for knowledge. As I teach, I learn.
I always modeled my teaching after my high school English teacher, whom I credit with most of what I learned about my field even before I went to college. Growing up in a small town in South Louisiana, I am fortunate to have had Mrs. Herbert as my English teacher for all four years of high school.
Did you ever have a favorite article, writer, etc., related to the magazine?
Gee, they are all my favorites. Not only do I enjoy reading the articles, but I am always learning something new. And I just love working with everyone.
You also do the book reviews. What’s involved in reviewing a book for a magazine?
As in the classroom, my goal is to create interest in the book and hopefully get the reader hooked enough to read that book. I generally write about what I liked about the book, whether it is the plot, the characters, the setting, theme, style, etc. Sometimes my intent is clarification.
What is involved in copy editing?
Simply making sure that the writing is clear and the style is consistent. Clarity involves sentence structure, paragraph development, correct grammar, spelling, punctuation . . . knowing when to break the rules to suit the occasion.
What is your opinion of the way we use language today? If you can, give examples of media, social situations, and print.
A stickler for the correct use of language, I cringe at its abuse. This abuse is not deliberate but is often the result of a lack of knowledge of the grammar of the language. It is too bad grammar is not taught in the classroom as it used to be. In many cases the only grammar a student learns is in ESL (English as a Second Language) classes or in foreign language classes. For example, the highly educated news commentator might say, “. . . between you and I,” simply because he/she does not know that between is a preposition and must be followed by an object, in this case, “me.”
To be confident of punctuation in writing—an absolute necessity for clarity—one needs to know the rules. Where should these rules be taught? In the classroom, the English classroom, that is. An understanding of grammar and knowledge of punctuation rules contribute to reading comprehension. The misuse of some verbs can be remedied by simply knowing their meanings and their principal parts. Where taught? Again, in the English classroom (and, of course, exercised in all the disciplines). So instead of, “She’s layingdown in her bedroom,” the speaker or writer says/writes, “She’slying down. . . .” Lie, lying, lay, lain—intransitive, “to rest or recline”—as opposed to lay, laying, laid, laid—transitive, “to put or place (an object).”
Anything you’d like to add about what it is you do and your passions for the English language?
I love the English language, and this leads to my passion in helping others in their oral and written communication.
Are there any highlights you’d like to share about what you do?
I’ve had lots of highs. Contributing to the success of the magazine and helping the writers are just two of these highs.
What advice if any could you give to writers?
Continue to aim for clarity. Writing is rewriting. Keep up the good work.
Interviewed by Kaylene Peoples
Arun Nevader – Photographer and Agenda Magazine Gem
Winter 2009, Anne V. from the Victoria’s Secret Runway Show graced our cover. Beautiful images from Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Miami Fashion Weeks entertained our readers and brought the best fashion around to Agenda Magazine, not to mention the exclusive behind the scenes and celebrity coverage. Photographer Arun Nevader was partially responsible for creating the high standard that is Agenda. I remember when I first met Arun at New York Fashion Week. Agenda was still very new, and I was paying my dues videotaping runway shows on the riser. He came to my rescue as I was fighting for my right to be there along with the veterans. I knew he was special back then, but having his contributions these past few years has truly been a blessing.
When did you become a photographer, and what was the motivating factor?
Well, I started as a photographer in Central America in the early 80s, working extensively in Guatemala and El Salvador during their insurgency conflicts, though El Salvador was more a civil war than an insurgency campaign. It was there that I learned how to photograph people in the midst of events, often tragic and horrifying. I left photography in the mid 80s and didn’t return to it until myson, his partners, and a core of talented entertainment photographers founded WireImage in 2001. I became one of the early WireImage photographers working under the guidance of the founding photographers. Those were exciting times for this business.
I understand you are also a teacher. Tell me a little about that. And how does being a teacher affect your craft?
Yes, I’m a lecturer in the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley. I teach information design for technology development in the Technical Communications Program. I’m not sure what qualified me for the job other than being in the right place at the right time—I’ve considered Berkeley my home since 1967. My graduate work is actually in Early Modern British Studies, and my field of expertise is the influence of French neo-classical painting on the British Gothic literary imagination as it appears in both fiction and the commercial stage in late 18 th century Britain. There is absolutely no relation between these two worlds of cultural literary studies and quantitative information design. But I also have extensive experience in structural engineering as a builder of some fairly large commercial projects. So I guess my language skills, together with a strong knowledge of civil engineering practice was a strong skill set for the position that I accepted in 2000 at UCB. It’s been a dream job for reasons like trying to explain the taste of sweet to someone who has yet to taste it. I teach graduating seniors across several engineering disciplines, which often means that I’m working with some of the brightest minds on the planet. Why is this so gratifying? I’m clearly the class idiot, most GPAs are hovering at the 4.0 range—some higher! And I get to read 50 of the most exciting technology projects under development at Berkeley. These projects change from year to year, so I’m always about 6 to 10 years ahead of the marketplace—things like smart dust (autonomous intelligent particles the size of a period on the page, floating in mid-air, gathering and transmitting information, or synthetic blood, or quantum computing for fail-safe data security, or thin-film solar, some either classified or proprietary—you get the idea. I wake up on a Tuesday or Thursday and say, “Wow, today’s a school day!” My mother always used to tell me that I’d be an engineer one day. Well, Mom (she died in 1964), not quite but close enough, perhaps better!
I don’t see that much in common between my academic life and my life as a photographer. My students, of course, love my photos, as it’s a well-known fact that engineering students at Berkeley have no life beyond their latest problem set. But for me, the worlds are totally separate. Since I know a fair amount about digital imaging technologies, I can often use them to explain relevant issues in the classroom, but that’s about it.
What were some of the highlights of your career? (For example, the most exciting photo-shoot, biggest job, etc.)
Well, starting from the WireImage days, they are almost too many to list. First of all, it’s important to understand that I’m a press photographer who shoots mostly entertainment and fashion. I wouldn’t call myself an artist, but an observer. Sometimes, if rarely, the photo does achieve that extra status as somewhat remarkable, but it’s usually in spite of it all. If I had to choose a couple of moments, it would be shooting for People Magazine for a Michael J. Fox event. Michael, his wife Tracy, and Heather Locklear were there for the event. Michael’s publicist came up to me seconds before getting what I needed and said to me, “Arun, you get three snaps. I better not hear a fourth. Make sure you get it in three.” Well, I got it in three, though that’s often hard to do. My highlights have been in shooting the bigger film festivals such as Sundance and Telluride, not to mention the San Francisco International Film Festival a few years ago. I had Sharon Stone, Phil Bronstein, Warren Beatty, Annette Bening, Sean Penn, Kevin Spacey, and Robin Williams in a hotel room, and I was the only guy in there for most of it. I thought I had died and gone to celebrity heaven. Most recently, I’d say being able to photograph Justin Timberlake and Anna Wintour together posing for me. You’ll never see that combination again. I’ve had too many of those kinds of
moments to recount here. Overall, I’d say that I’m just now hitting my stride in highlights, and it did not happen until I started shooting backstage fashion for Dan Lecca in New York. Celebrity photography can be exciting, but shooting beauty in its highest register is transcendent and the dream of many photographers.
You have had the opportunity to shoot with a lot of amazing people. I know that you have shot Victoria’s Secret show a few times now. What was that like?
Yes, well, I’ve shot VS for three years now, and the last two seasons for the designer. When you shoot for the designer, you get the best spot on the floor. So my spot is always directly to the left of the giant CBS TV camera. The show is lit for TV and staged for TV, so they care far less about the still photographers. But when you’re right next to the TV guy, then all the models are looking right down your lens and you’re always eyeball to eyeball with them. Everyone else is shooting from underneath, which is an entirely different angle and a compromised photo. Many of the models in the VS show are actually New York runway models, most of whom I know from New York Fashion Week. So it’s great to see them in the VS show. They are second billing to the VS angels—the contract models—is always hard to believe, but still true. The VS show is the runway spectacle of the year. It’s probably the only show where the model is in fact the center of attention, not the fashion. Shooting backstage last season, especially in available light was extraordinary. Everybody understands that we’re all here to make it work and the models are terrific to work with, even with six people in their hair.
Is there anything unique about the way you shoot, like special techniques, lighting style, etc.?
I try to see the image before I shoot it. Since I shoot mainly backstage now, that is even more important. The image usually lasts for a fleeting moment. You either get it or you don’t. There won’t be a second chance in many cases. But I’ve learned that in shooting the top 50 models backstage, it’s just as important to know what else is in the shot besides the beauty. Those other things are often the things that will make the shot. Going for color, balance, depth of field, and the timeless strangeness of rare beauty—those are the things I look for. What’s strange about beauty at that level is that it’s transformative. Oftentimes, an odd, very young, overly thin, wispy girl walks in the backstage door to sit down for makeup and hair. She walks in often with bad hair and bad skin, and in the space of two hours undergoes a metamorphosis into the true beautiful form she can then fully embody. I shouldn’t say that this is only the provenance of female models. Male models are equally overwhelming in their level of beauty and oftentimes even more surprising, though usually less so in the transformation that takes place in hair and makeup. As far as camera technique is concerned, I like to get it as perfect as possible right out of the camera with as little image processing as possible. That’s not always possible because of skin and other factors. Bad skin in models, by the way, has more to do with constantly being in new makeup and having lots of hands on your face—a health concern that is now only beginning to be addressed.
Who are some of your influences, if any?
Helmut Newton, Herb Ritts, and Michael Caulfield, to whom I will always be indebted.
Tell me about what you’re doing now.
Miami Swim Shows will happen in July, New York in September, flying to Iceland for two days in September for their yearly Fashion Week, then Los Angeles Fashion Week, Victoria’s Secret again in November, and a host of individual events scattered throughout.
What was the highest high of your career?
Having a tall dynamite blonde at a high profile party almost run me over as I was about to take her photo the night of the Oscars in 2002. She was too beautiful and too crazy for words. And I said, “And, Miss, can I get your name please?” “Yes, you can call me Anna Nicole.” It was my first Oscar party, and a quarter-page photo ran in the New York Postthe next day of Anna Nicole Smith with my by-line.
Were there any lows?
Yeah, when I mistakenly reformatted a card that had probably $10,000 worth of celebrity images on it. It was the Playstation 2 party celebrity arrivals event in Los Angeles back in 2002. Too painful to remember. I can’t thank you for reminding me of my stupidity, but I can appreciate the lesson.
What advice would you give to aspiring photographers?
Keep shooting all the time. It’s increasingly difficult to make a career out of it, so know why you’re doing it. Never say no to a job, and always respect your limits, which end at the end of your lens. There’s a lot to say about this world, and hard to get it into a single paragraph. So anyone who wishes to know more can contact me at
Any last words?
I never knew it until much later in life, but photography is a form much like poetry—that is, a language frozen in its unique time, this time in its frame. Always try to see the frame when you can—the rest will be contained therein. One last word on technique—always push the limits of your lens and never go for the easy shot unless you have to.
Interviewed by Kaylene Peoples
Elana Pruitt – 5 Years of Talking Chic
“I think having the insight to connect with a woman is built off of how I feel inside. Having a pear-shaped body, it was difficult finding pieces.”—Elana Pruitt—
Since the third issue of Agenda Magazine , Elana Pruitt has been writing the fashion column “Talking Chic.” The column has touched on almost every subject related to fashion with Elana’s perspective and reflects what many of us are thinking. But no one can tell it quite like Elana. Since that Winter 2004 issue, the column, the webzine, and its author have evolved.
“Aaah, the leisurely luxury of online browsing. What was once a pastime for me—you know, like checking a couple of favorite websites to see what’s new—has turned into a scheduled, relaxing activity”
—Elana Pruitt’s first Agenda article, “The Leisurely Luxury of Online Browsing”—
Talking Chic’s topics have ranged from cleaning out your closet to finding the right teeny weeny bikini for every sized woman. Elana has managed to make us feel comfortable about our bodies and think outside the box when it comes to fashion. So after almost five years with Agenda, it was my pleasure to put Elana in front of the camera and ask her a few key questions about “Talking Chic,” and the direction she has taken her career.
Elana is also the owner of “Good Girl Gone Shopping,” which is a personal shopping, wardrobe consulting and styling business. She is also the senior editor of and In addition to being a fashion blogger, Elana has a website, which is an extension of “Good Girl Gone Shopping,” formerly known as “Diary of a Personal Shopper.”
How did you get started?
I actually got started with fashion writing . . . you (Kaylene Peoples, editor in chief of Agenda Magazine) invited me on when I was in college. I was at Nordstrom in the TBD and Savvy department. And I started building up a clientele of women who were looking for trendy and modern fashion. So inkeeping contact with her, it just started. So five years I’ve been with Agenda Magazine and that really branched off into other opportunities with various online publications. I felt confident enough to start my own blog, which is an extension of “Good Girl Gone Shopping.” I then moved on to, where I am the senior editor and writer. I say moved on, but I am still doing various projects at once. So really it started off with Agenda Magazine .
How did you know you had a special eye for fashion?
I don’t know if I ever knew I had a special eye. I just love color! I loved playing dress-up. My mom always tells me that when I was a child, I put a skirt on my head because it was pink and I just wanted to go out in public and feel fabulous, and she let me. I was about five then. Because fashion really expresses your personality, I’ve never seen a limit to that. I never thought there were boundaries and I always believed there shouldn’t be. So it just innately developed.
Tell me about “Good Girl Gone Shopping.”
It’s still a personal venture and is still growing, but it started off by helping girls in the office. At I always played around with footwear, and gradually girls would come up to me and say, “Elana, I’m going to a wedding. What do you think I should wear?” And I’d throw something out like, “Wear a black dress, wear colored shoes, but throw a clutch on.” Word started to spread, and on our breaks I offered to go with my co-workers to Target and Macy’s. It was then that I started realizing that not only was I helping them, but we did it within an hour, under their budget. Everything we found was on sale. I started to realize that women desired my services. Instead of just helping them in the store, I started going into their rooms and their closets. My biggest focus now is helping them stylize with what they already have, and they don’t need to spend a penny. It’s very exciting now because they now realize that all of their clothes are versatile. Basically go into your closet and play dress up. “Good Girl Gone Shopping” is really to bring out the inner fashionista with no limits.
Let’s say I’m a woman slightly overweight, 185 lbs., and 5’4″. I’m going to a class reunion, haven’t seen my fellow classmates in 10 years. And I’m nervous because I put on this weight. What can I wear that is going to make me look fabulous?
I think for a woman who could be self-conscious about being overweight and she’s going to her reunion, black (to me) is always everyone’s best friend because it is slimming. Of course, it matters what she’s wearing. I would suggest a nice slack and some kind of black blouse and then focus color elsewhere—a fabulous shoe, a fabulous clutch, a cardigan, a necklace—something that can bring the eye elsewhere. So if she’s self-conscious abouther stomach or her arms, play around with other parts of the body. Fancy footwear is so exciting because you can play around with it. And again it brings the eyes elsewhere. I would suggest starting with the basics, a black, maybe a charcoal, a chocolate brown. Once she has her basics, then she can play around with accessories. So I would think a woman who is overweight going to her class reunion should focus on the accessories and the outer aspects of fashion.
You always hear people talking about how you might not be accessorizing an outfit correctly. Would you say that color plays a big role in accessorizing an outfit?
Color and accessories depend on the person’s personality. If a woman lives in black and she loves it, that’s her style. However, a great necklace with some turquoise can really make it pop. I think accessories offer a great opportunity to play with color. It’s trial and error. Someone who doesn’t usually wear accessories shouldn’t just wear a bright pink necklace and just throw anything on. It really takes a lot to find pieces that match who a person really is.
What do you term yourself as?
I call myself a fashion writer because of my perspective of fashion. From that perspective, I have thoughts and opinions, and that’s when I express them.
Highest High
Fashion Week 2006, interviewing a designer backstage. There were a few different situations where I was interviewing Kevan Hall and his closet of clothes before the show started, being on the runway afterwards and speaking to the designer of Single [Galina Sobolev], and when I realized I was among other professionals who are doing what I’ve always wanted to do. I realized it couldn’t get much better than this. I am now speaking to those who also have a passion. Sitting at the shows, sitting in the 2 nd row—I remember there was a time when I was sitting behind Wesley Snipes. He turned around and I gave him my card. I remember thinking to myself, “In college I never would have dreamt that I’d be in a situation where I would be just as important as the A-listers, as the celebrities.” My role was needed there. A writer was needed, and I was there to serve that purpose. I believe Fashion Week during that year was my highest high.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Five years from now I would love to eventually have “Good Girl Gone Shopping” as a corporation. I live in the Inland Empire in Upland, California. I would love to be the “go-to” person for all women’s needs and men’s needs. I have helped some male clients look for suits and look for sweaters. I really want to build that business. That would be my goal to make it thrive. Eventually branch off into the LA and Orange County area. But I’m always going to be a writer. I would like to have a book out where I notate all of my experiences thus far. I have grown quite a lot.
You said you help men with their fashion, too. What’s that like?
Women are a little more self-conscious and a little more insecure with their bodies. One male client I had was leaving for an unexpected trip and told me what he wanted, suits and casual jackets. He gave me the color scheme. I went to JC Penny, found everything within an hour or two. It is an easier purchase because men don’t like to fuss. With women, you have to pay a little more attention to what they’re feeling inside.
What do you do when people are stuck on one color? What advice could you give to help them choose more of a variety?
To really convince a person that a color isn’t that flattering, or maybe they’re always wearing the same color and it’s in all their pictures, I would ask what is it about the color they like? For instance, purple. If someone is wearing that a lot, I’d like to know what is it about that color that appeals to them? How does it make them feel? They can still wear that color by wearing accents of that same color.
You’ve written some really interesting columns for “Talking Chic”: Tattoos, Brittney Spears bald, the teeny-weeny bikini . . . . What has been your inspiration for “Talking Chic”?
At seven years old, I always had a journal. Talking Chic is me talking, but talking about it in a chic manner. That’s where the name came from. I’m assuming everyone’s listening, but it’s more of me getting my thoughts out because I am sure it’s something people can relate to.
Any Lows?
I’ve learned to always do my research before I go to events, interview anyone, or write anything. One time I went to an event and I wasn’t the most appropriately dressed and I actually didn’t know who would be there. I once was interviewing one celebrity and there was a celebrity next to that person and I didn’t know her name. I knew she was a fan of that designer, but I should have researched all the celebs that were fans. Doing your research is number one because you want to show people that you know what you’re doing. You need to make sure that you are doing your all to prove that you deserve to be there. So doing your research is number one.
Interviewed by Kaylene Peoples
Susannah Blinkoff – Taking You on a Vision Quest with Her Latest CD Let’s Pretend
A refreshing mix of relaxed vocals and breathable production values, Susannah Blinkoff is brilliant at creating an atmosphere of quirky meets sultry. Her vocals are pure and her lyrics possess a sardonic, teasing quality at times. She successfully lands on her choruses, changing the tone to serious. This is the result of the serious analysis of her own songwriting—doing away with indulgence and embracing skilled collaboration of which this album is truly the result. Recorded and mixed by her producer, Rich Jacques in his living room, it goes to show you quality shines through regardless of the budget. Now that’s true indie!
Susannah was born and raised in New York City. She came from a family of singer/songwriters and wrote 8 of the 11 tracks on her new release Let’s Pretend. She has been singing professionally since she was a child and has appeared on TV, in movies, and performed in theater as an actress. She is also a screenwriter. She co-wrote the film Bellyfruit, which premiered in the LA Film Festival and ran on Showtime.
Each track has a story that only a screenwriter could tell. Track 1, “I Got Lucky,” was a result of a lone road trip to Sedona, AZ, for a mini vision quest. “All of a sudden from out of the desert there appeared these incredible awe-inspiring mountainous rocks and I heard, ‘I got lucky when I got you’ in my head.”—Susannah Blinkoff
In track 11, Susannah covered and rearranged (with Rich Jacques) a 100-year-old African-American spiritual, “The Storm is Passing Over”—a heart-warming ballad. She tenderlysings a capella on “Texas Girl at the Funeral of Her Father.” This final track ends the album somberly. This body of work boasts a huge range, not only in vocal performance, but song selection, and is successful in creating a story. To fully enjoy Let’s Pretend, you have to listen from the beginning to the end. Susannah takes you on your own “mini vision quest.”
I give this CD 4.5 stars out of 5.
To learn more about Susannah Blinkoff, visit her and
Reviewed by Sean McKenzie
John Stowers – Everything You Do CD Review
Winner of the 2004 Billboard World Song Contest award, with “Jimmy’s Song” placing 3rd in the R&B/Blues category, John Stowers is no newcomer in the genre of blues rock. He’s a talented singer/songwriter who has performed in bars and coffee houses for the bulk of his musical career, and has learned a thing or two in the area of songwriting. Not having the opportunity to see him perform live, I could gage by his CD that he knows how to please an audience. His music could be described as optimistic, truthful, and even raw at times, with smart grooves and thoughtful lyrics. Of the 14 tracks on his John Stowers – Everything You Doalbum, there isn’t one song that isn’t well-produced and well-written. His lyrics threaten life experience. And regardless of whom he might have been writing about, I definitely got the impression his heart had been tested a few times. Bottom line? I can relate to what he’s singing about.
“I simply try to have fun and be honest. I very often pull things from my own life.” —John Stowers
Track 1, “All I Am Missing,” is a good opener and sets the tone for the soulful grooves I heard throughout the album. He consistently presents his hook, “All I am missing is you.” The electric guitar solo played by Ed Tree stays true to the blues/rock tradition. The lyric,“It’s never as simple as who’s right and who’s wrong,” in track 2 is indicative of the insightful realism of love relationships. Some of his other tracks have an anthem-like quality to them, which bodes with the comfortable drums, guitars, and controlled background vocals. This is most prevalent in track 11, “Choose.”
John describes his music as Roots Rock meets British Pop. I agree that it does have somewhat of a Beatles feel, especially on track 4, “Mrs. Thompson.” Track 6, “For Christ’s Sake,” is my favorite song on the album: “We could use a God to do the job and save the human race . . . for Christ sake.” This song promotes tolerance without being controversial and has been heard on NPR and Pacifica radio station KPFK.
To sum it up, this album is authentic throughout and manages to tug at our inner truths. After listening to John Stowers – Everything You Do, I give it 4 stars out of 5.
Visit John Stowers at the following and
Reviewed by Sean McKenzie
Plus-Size Fashion Trends for Summer 2009
Plus-Size Fashion Trends for Summer 2009
Summer is in full force and I figured I would go over some plus size fashion “must have” trends for your summer wardrobe. These “must have” fashion trends are for every occasion, not just your summer vacation. They are for your everyday activities including work, rest, and play.
The Maxi: Plus size Maxi Dresses are everywhere this season and are a huge fashion trend for summer 2009. If you are thinking that you cannot wear a Maxi Dress, think again. With all of the different styles and pattern variations, you are sure to find a Plus Size Maxi Dress that is right for your figure. Maxi Dresses are the plus size woman’s best friend and work to perfectly conceal some minor figure flaws in the most figure-flattering way. Flirty, romantic, and stylish, these dresses can be worn for every occasion this summer, from shopping with the girls to a romantic summer night out on the town. Check out the Melody Maxi Dress available in black, purple, coral, and electric blue.
Ruffles: Feminine and flirty ruffles are a definite “must have” fashion trend this season. Look for soft, romantic style blouses and dresses with accents of single to layered ruffles. If not worn right, ruffles can be bad for a plus size person because they tend to emphasize parts of our body that we do not want to call attention to. Stick to ruffles that are small and follow the trim of the garment, and they will actually work to elongate your body and give you a slimmer silhouette. Ruffle trim wrap dresses are gorgeous and a perfect “must have” this season. For the perfect ruffled top option, check out the Nikki Checkered Plus-Size Top available in white/black check or pink/black check.
Work Wear: As divas, we must always dress to impress and dress for success. To stay trendy and cool at work on these hot summer days, opt out on the typical 3-piece suit and go for something with a little less fabric. Vests are a “must have” this season and can coordinate with virtually anything. For work pair a vest with a classic white button up shirt and pencil skirt. If you must wear a blazer to work, look for styles with one-button waist closures and narrow lapels made of all-season fabrics like rayon tweeds and light blends. Stay away from the typical black this season and go for perhaps chocolate or khaki. Why not be daring and go for white? In the work wear department has got you covered. Check out the Alicia Plus-Size Shirt Dress available in a variety of classic colors or their Classic Fit Trousers in black or tan/brown.
Trendy Active Wear: Anyone who thinks plus-sized women are inactive and do nothing but sit around on their butts all day is dead wrong and should join me and my plus-sized pals for a taste of BOOTCAMP. Working out is an everyday activity for plus-sized women in an effort to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Wearing comfy, yet attractive active wear helps boost your confidence and makes you feel good while exercising. Looking good is feeling good. Be sure to choose your active wear wisely. Pick items that are made of breathable fabrics like cotton blends and are not too tight or bulky. Stylish tees, tanks, leggings, or bike shorts are good combinations for day-to-day workouts; but for pure comfort, look into loosely cut plus-size yoga wear in bright summer colors. For some super cute, trendy active wear styles, check out the new Zen Yoga Wear Collection and the Aimee Plus-size Sweat Pants. There you have it! Some of the “must have” plus-size fashion trends for summer 2009.
Please be sure to check our website often as we are adding new items to our summer collection daily. If there is a plus-size fashion trend that you feel we are missing out on in our collection, please feel free to leave us a comment below. Happy summer!
Danielle Line, Plus-Size Model and Guest Writer for Sealed with a Kiss Designs (SWAK Designs, Plus-Size clothing) has built her career around her passion, embracing her own unique beauty and plus-sized body. Sealed with a Kiss Designs http://www.SWAKdesigns.comis a leading manufacturer of affordable and trendy plus size fashions.
By Danielle Line
Top 5 Unforgettable Vacation Spots in Hawaii

From the first “Aloha!” Hawaii holds a stunning array of unforgettable vacation spots. Travelers who want to get the best of Hawaii will want to give themselves sufficient time to visit some of the 50th State’s most stunning sites.
1. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, The Big Island (Hawaii)—The number-one choice of island visitors is Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island. Home of Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes, the park draws some 3 million visitors each year. Photographers will relish the opportunity to get pictures of ever-erupting Kilauea, the world’s most active volcano. Nature lovers will be stunned by immense Mauna Loa, the world’s largest volcano. The Kilauea Visitor Center offers the latest information on opportunities for camping and hiking, plus road conditions and safety precautions. If sightseeing time is limited, take the scenic Crater Rim Drive, an 11-mile road around Mauna Loa’s summit. Whatever you do, be sure to stay clear of “Pele’s hair.” That’s the Hawaiian term for streams of glowing lava, which original Hawaiians thought were the tresses of their fire goddess Pele, who lives in volcanoes.
2. The Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu—The Polynesian Cultural Center in La’ie, about an hour’s drive from Honolulu near the North Shore, offers what every visitor wants: a genuine Polynesian luau. In addition to its exotic food and entertainment, the cultural center boasts seven different Polynesian villages to give guests good insights into the life of Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji, Tahiti, the Marquesas, Tonga and Maori New Zealand (Aotearoa) people.
3. The island of Oahu, Home to fabled Honolulu—Oahu is often the first stop for many visitors. Besides the vibrant cultural mix that is Honolulu, Oahu is home to such legendary attractions as Waikiki Beach, Pearl Harbor, and Hanauma Bay, known around the world as a prime snorkeling site. Visitors can interact with marine life at Sea Life Park at Makapu’u Beach, or reflect on World War II history at the Arizona Memorial. For those with a hankering for more contemporary pastimes, Honolulu is known for its shopping, dining, and entertainment establishments.
4. The island of Maui—The magical island of Maui draws people to it for all sorts of reasons. Some come in the winter to view humpback whales at play. Artists revel at its events such as the Maui Film Festival and the Maui Writers Conference, while party animals head straight for Lahaina with its first-rank stage shows and exquisite restaurants. Athletes will find Maui the perfect spot for windsurfing, kite-boarding or a vigorous round of golf. Adrenaline junkies can jump into a canyon on a zip line, bike down a volcano or pilot a personal sports sub underwater. Those with a mystical bent won’t want to miss Haleakala, well known among holistic healers and followers as the strongest natural energy point in the United States.
5. The NaPali Coast, Kauai—No trip to Hawaii would be complete without a visit to the stunning NaPali Coast on the island of Kauai, the oldest and fourth largest of the main Hawaiian Islands. NaPali’s wild and uninhabited cliffs symbolize the unspoiled natural beauty of Kauai. Besides NaPali, Kauai boasts all kinds of natural wonders, from mountaintop rain forests to coral reefs and uncrowded golden beaches along its 111-mile coastline. Geologists estimate that Kauai emerged from an undersea volcano in the Pacific some five million years ago. Today it has one of the wettest places on earth, Mt. Wai’ale’ale, which gets an average annual rainfall of 460 inches. Don’t bother with an umbrella, though; rain showers are brief, followed by glorious “sun breaks” often accompanied by rainbows.
Many things can be considered truly Hawaiian. Author Sam Kanakanui and creator of Truly Hawaiian Teriyaki Sauce is just such a person. Born on Oahu, Sam has brought his family’s 100-year oldteriyaki sauce recipe to the mainland to share with his extended ohana (family). He can be contacted at
By John Ramallo
Traveling with a Dog
In recent years, traveling with a dog has become not only a common practice, but also much easier to do. More and more hotels are allowing pets in the rooms, and some attractions even have a “doggy day care” set up so that people can enjoy the sites while their pet is kept cool and content while playing with new friends. However, just because the practice is becoming more common does not mean that there are not a few “rules” to follow when traveling with your dog as well as a bit of “doggy etiquette” to incorporate.
The Basics of Traveling with Your Dog
No matter how or where you are traveling, before you leave with your dog, there are a few things to have in place.
· Doggy First Aid Kit – Buy a well-equipped first aid kit for dogs. If you cannot find one, ask your vet to put one together for you.
· Vaccines – Check out what vaccines your dog currently has and make sure they are up to date. Also, check the requirements for the area where you are visiting, i.e., to go over the Canadian/US border, you must have proof of your dog’s rabies vaccine. Make sure you have proof of vaccines with you in the car.
· Food – Make sure you have enough to last the entire trip and some extra just in case.
· Water – Many travelers carry bottled water for their dog to ensure there are no upset stomachs to ruin the trip.
· Medication – Always ensure you take enough of your dog’s medication with you on a trip and that it is well identified if you are going through any borders.
· Bedding – Most dogs prefer settling down at night in their own beds. If you have the room, bring your dog’s bed with you – you will both sleep better in the long run.
· Check with the dog laws in the area you will be visiting. Some states and provinces require dogs to be securely contained in a car, so either crate your dog or purchase a comfortable seat belt harness before you leave home. Leash laws and pooper scooping laws also vary from area to area.
· Doggy identification – last but most important, always ensure your dog is identified. Make sure his collar cannot slip off. Make sure his tags are legible and that your cell phone number is on the tags. Many dogs are lost each year while traveling; and in a strange area, it can be difficult to find where a stray dog is taken for processing. Give the authorities a break and help them to find you!

Driving with a Dog
A dog is the quintessential companion for a road trip. Most dogs love car rides, love to explore, offer companionship and security to their people, and never complain about the music you play or your singing no matter how out of tune or tone deaf you are!

Dog friendly hotels and motels are becoming more and more common. Often you have to pay an extra fee to offset the cost of vacuuming up the dog hair, but that is usually only an extra $10 or so. A common rule is never to leave your dog alone in the room as the barking could disturb your neighbors. And take your dog far away from any entrances or pathways to do their “business.” And always, always, always clean up after your dog! Other doggy etiquette includes regular brushing to keep shedding to a minimum, extra towels to clean up paws or dry off after a rain shower, and a sheet to put over the bed or couch. Consider waterproof booties if it is especially mucky or cold to help keep hotels and your car clean as well as your dog’s feet warm and dry.
The biggest danger to your dog on a road trip is the potential for overheating if left in the car on a warm day. Even in the shade with the windows cracked, the inside of a car can quickly reach dangerous temperatures and dogs can develop heat stroke, brain damage, and even die. When you stop for gas, pick gas stations with covers and stay to the shady side if you can. If you must stop to pick up groceries, arrange to do it first thing in the morning when the ambient temperature is not at its peak, pick a parking spot in as much shade as you can, and make the grocery stop a short one if possible! If you must stop for longer, contact a local doggy daycare, kennel or veterinarian office to see if you can leave your pet in their care for a few hours. The $20 or $25 expense is worth your peace of mind!
Flying with a Dog
The biggest concern when flying with a dog is the comfort of the pet on the flight. Some airlines allow small dogs in the cabin area – this is the best place for your pet to be on a plane. Short of this, the cargo area can be a comfortable alternative as long as you consider the temperature of all the places the flight might land (non-stop flights are best when traveling with a pet). Most airlines implement a heat embargo during the hot months, but also consider winter temperatures when flying; cold can be just as dangerous. Add thick blankets to their bedding so they can snuggle into them for warmth if required. A common question to vets is whether a dog should be given a sedative prior to flying. The short answer? Never! Sedatives interfere with the dog’s ability to control their body temperature, making it easier for them to either overheat or freeze. Although flying can be stressful for pets, never sedate them.

Traveling with a dog is a wonderful experience and well worth the added preparations to ensure a safe trip. Research the area where you are headed to find dog parks so they can stay well exercised and always stop for pee breaks every two to three hours. Offer plenty of water and bring a few toys to keep them entertained. Enjoy your travels and the companionship of a wagging tail at every new stop!
David Beart is the owner of the PetYak. Our site covers pet related topics such as disciplining a dog, cat health, birds and tropical fish.
By David Beart