Known for National Treasure: Book of Secrets, The Young & The Restless, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Alicia Coppola established a successful and long career as an actress with countless credits. You’ve probably seen her on episodes of NCIS, McGyver, Shameless, Jericho, and Empire just to get started. She completed her movie Between Us successfully, and truly with a list of “first-time” production credits, including screenwriter and director. Alicia Coppola’s Between Us is a story based on real life, stemming from the death of her father. This movie is inspiring with a topic so gripping, you’ll want to learn more about its processes, drenched in the essence of true guerrilla filmmaking!

Between Us: It is real exploration into a woman: Angela, a pretty, yet harried, determined working mother of 3 girls, and the family she has created: Michael, a father who is holding his own in a household of 4 females, Marnie, a 15 year old already pissed off gay teenage girl, Ellie, a 9 year old Tom Boy fascinated by the life cycle of fish, Gracie, a 7 year old badass in a Unicorn headband with a sailors mouth and finally the most surprising character and guiding force in Angela’s life, Matt – her dead father. Between Us explores life’s rawness and also the belief in the magic of the parent/child connection of pure love that defies life and even death itself. Between Us is human, hopeful and magical.
Interview by Kaylene Peoples
Responses by Alicia Coppola, Gil Bellows, Elaine Hendrix, and Rebecca Field
Tell me a little about your film and what inspired you to make Between Us.
Alicia Coppola: First and foremost Between Us is truly a family love story. It began in love, was shot with love and tells the ultimate love story of a child and a parent. Between us was inspired by a book I wrote called Gracefully Gone, which at its core is a love story between my father, Matt, and me. Gracefully Gone is a fusion of two journals, my father’s and mine. My father wrote his journal in1983 after his diagnosis with and treatment for brain cancer. I wrote mine in 1989-1990 as he lay dying. Gracefully Gone was published in 2013 and is available on Amazon.
After the book was published, I wasn’t quite done telling my story but I also wasn’t quite sure how to move forward. I had an idea to turn Gracefully Gone into a TV series but I had never written a screenplay before. I asked my dear friend Andrea Berloff (who wrote and was Academy Award nominated for Straight Outta Compton) for advice. She told me to just sit down and write. So I did. On the left side of my screen I started writing a page by page play of my book, a story I had already told. On the right side of my screen, I started to write about my day: A story I hadn’t yet told, exploring the relationship between my daughter’s and me as the parent. Andrea edited my writing and within days, I had the Pilot script for Between Us. My husband Anthony Michael Jones, who plays Michael my husband in Between Us, encouraged me to just shoot a 10-minute short, a pilot presentation if you will as a selling tool. It never occurred to me that it would have a life in the festival circuit. It was on the suggestion of Anthony and the folks at SONY who worked on my film to submit it to a few festivals . . . and here we are.
How long did it take to complete the film? What was it shot on? Tell me about the filmmaking process.
Alicia: We shot Between Us over the first weekend in October 2017 . . . Thursday thru Monday. It was filmed in my house and in my neighborhood. My lovely neighbors, friends, and their children supported me by being extras in the film. I baked many lasagnas, fajitas, cookies, and ordered the largest pizza you’ve ever seen to feed everyone! We shot on two Black Magic Ursa 23.98 FPS. All of the camera equipment was donated by Rufus Burnham at The Camera Division. Rufus and his team are huge supporters of and empower female writers and directors in any and every way possible. I could not have shot Between Us without them. Once the filming was complete, my neighbor and dear friend Nancy Kirhoffer (who is a very well known and respected post producer) took over. She brought it to Jim Flynn, my Editor and Kami Azgar, my Sound at SONY and Doug Delaney at Technicolor. They did their magic and Between Us was born.

Let’s talk about the cast and crew. Tell me about who was involved and particularly your key players.
Alicia: As I stated above, shooting Between Us was really a family and friend affair. Everyone came on board to support my storytelling. I was truly humbled by the love. My daughter’s Mila, Esmé and Greta played my children and my husband Anthony Michael Jones played my husband. My dearest, old friend from my NYU days and a very talented actor Gil Bellows (EP and star of AMC’s The Patriot) plays Matt and my girlfriends and beyond amazing actresses Elaine Hendrix (FOX’s Person Of Interest) and Rebecca Field (A Star Is Born) play “The Mom’s.” Nancy and Anthony EP’d. My cousin John Hermanson, who is a producer, was the Line Producer and my DP Eric Castro was a gaffer who I met on the set of Black Widow, a Lifetime movie I did with the gorgeous and talented Elizabeth Berkley a few years ago. He has an amazing eye for finding light in the darkness and infusing both with emotion. My cousins George Quinn, AD’d, and Nico Nepola operated the Drone. Everyone I love came to play.
For anyone who would like to participate in this interview: What was your experience on Between Us? What drew you to this film?
Gil Bellows: I was drawn to the film due to the magical power of our charismatic leader Alicia Coppola. I’ve known Alicia for a long time—had an infatuation with her from the moment I met her—she’s smart, loving, no bullshit and easy on the eyes. This story is about her life and her beautiful connection to her father. When she asked me to play her father in the piece I was honored and completely on board. The process was a dream—a great crew and wonderful to see Alicia front and center, guiding us all. Alicia is a storyteller and a wonderful collaborator. I’m a big fan!
Elaine Hendrix: What drew me to this film? I’m guessing my answer is going to be quite popular . . . Alicia Coppola. She drew me to it. First, I’d do anything for her; and second, it’s also a compelling story. I know the history and the people behind the story and the process of making this, which made it more deliciously personal and important for me to be a part of. And as for my experience on it, it was as professional and proper of a set as I would expect from such a veteran pro. She didn’t miss a beat – decisive, assertive, creative and with a vision. For me to support my fellow actress friends as they stretch their creative prowess in an arena that clearly suits them . . . there’s nothing like it.

Rebecca Field: It was a lovely experience and inspiring for me. I love that Alicia took the reins in her career and decided to create something so funny and beautiful. It’s hard being at the mercy of others to hire you in order to create, and she just did it! What drew me to it was just working with Alicia and all of the great actors involved.
What were some of the most memorable moments on set?
Alicia: Waking up that Thursday morning, walking into my living room and seeing all the equipment surrounding my dining room table and having my door open at 6am to my family and friends coming to help me achieve my dream with smiles on their faces was one of the most special moments of my life. They believed in me and that means everything.

As a filmmaker, tell me about your background.
Alicia: I am an actress and have been for close to 30 years. I am a mother to three daughters, a wife, and an author. I can AD the shit out of Thanksgiving and do laundry and carpool all at the same time. I think that gives me a special qualification to direct.
What would you say is unique about this film? Were there any challenging moments during production?
Alicia: I think the uniqueness of Between Us lies in the story. My character is searching for peace—a peace that perhaps being a mom to three daughters and all that entails in the world we now live in may be impossible to find. She enlists the help of someone we would least expect, her deceased father. My daughter’s character is struggling to find herself as a young teenage, gay girl in a world that preaches the bravado of acceptance but really doesn’t practice. I think each of us leads the life we have, live the one we had once upon a time, and hope for the one we wish to live. Between Us really is just a rally cry to merge the three.
What were some of the highlights of filming Between Us?
Alicia: The whole experience was a highlight. Having my daughter’s involved really gave them a true understanding of what I do. My eldest, especially, really enjoyed the whole process: from watching the monitor to getting everyone waters to doing ADR. She loved seeing it all come together. Having my friends who are brilliant actors, take time out of their incredibly busy schedules to devote a few days to me was truly a gift.
What were some of the obstacles? On your next project what might you do differently and what might you do the same?
Alicia: We were given permission to shoot at our local elementary school on Saturday. The gentleman who ran the school opened up for us and we had three hours to shoot. After we wrapped the day, I realized we never got any coverage! On Sunday, my cousins, Anthony and I hopped the fence, threw a furry pad over the wire fencing to transport the equipment, and got busted by the science teacher. She was not happy with me but she was amazing and let us finish. I, of course, being the Italian Catholic girl from Long Island NY, threw up and cried from guilt for days. It was worth it though. We got the shot! I don’t think there is anything I would have done differently. It is what is. I do think that with guerrilla filmmaking, you can plan and plan and plan. But the reality is that ‘shit’ happens and when it does, more often than not, the plan goes out the window. I learned to make do with what I had and make it work.
What advice could you give to a first-time director/producer?
Alicia: Surround yourself with people who know way more than you.
Final last words: Please elaborate if there is anything you didn’t mention.
Alicia: It is not enough to think you will create something. It is not enough to say you will create something. The only thing that is enough is when you actually do create something.
Between Us is an official selection of the Artemis Women In Action Film Festival Fifth Edition.
Screening info: Sun. April 28, 2019 8:25pm RESILIENT WOMEN – A BLOCK OF NARRATIVE SHORTS | Purchase Tickets.