Happy holidays Agenda readers. This issue is filled with nourishment to feed the season. Issue 9 features three holiday movies: Abominable – a children’s animation; Black Christmas – a horror movie; and Last Christmas – a romance. Last Christmas was written by Emma Thompson, directed by Paul Feig, and inspired by the music of George Michael (Wham!). Read the backstory of how this highly anticipated Christmas movie came about.
On our cover (which was photographed by Ash Gupta) is the stunning international actress (from India) Pooja Batra. Check out her interview and breathtaking editorial!
Ali Levine discusses her career as a celebrity stylist, a new mom, and her timely podcast Stripd Down!

In our Beauty section, Shahada Karim reviews high quality lipsticks and foundations, all while dolling out the best possible skincare advice for the changing seasons. And Sean McKenzie reviews the Habibi Body signature class that was held at the NIKE Concept store on Melrose last month.
Fashion Talk, explores the nefarious side of fashion with “Fashion Cloning- Predictive Programming?” we dare to ask, “Does fashion have a macabre agenda?”
Melanie Wise of Wise Remedies speaks truth about counting calories. And MaryAlice Johnson, the founder of One Truth, talks t-shirts! Sheryl Aronson of Arting Around interviews the authors Michael Berlin and Andrew Kole of the novel Starring Who?Iconic Movie Roles . . . and Who Turned Them Down!

Ash Gupta 838 Media Group features the editorial “Fall’s Potpourri”; and introduces Inja Zelta, who is HOLIDAY 2019’s Face of the Month. And introducing recording artist/musician Gary Lee Rollins, photographed by Tuhan Bedi for the Indie Hotspot. Rollins models designs by Bohemian Society and Mattarazi Uomo.
Enjoy runway, backstage, and front row by designer Raisavanessa who recently showed their collection during New York Fashion Week. From Aukland, New Zealand are highlights from designer Kate Sylvester.
Inkover Streetwear was a hit when they premiered their designs at the Petersen Automotive Museum during LA Fashion Week.

And the cutting edge fashion week titled FashioNXT, based out of Portland, OR., showcased designers and brands globally, premiering new fashion and fashiontech.
Fashion Archives goes vintage with Yves Saint Laurent, while taking us back “old school” to the catwalks from 1999, 2010, and 2012.

For the holidays, Neiman Marcus reveals the iconic Christmas Book and their legendary 2019 Fantasy Gift Guide. Gifts range from fashion week tickets to luxury vehicles, including an Astin Martin!

“ART + FILM GALA (LACMA) Honors Artist Betye Saar and Filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón,” and a host of celebritites, wearing Gucci, paid homage to the honoress. Celebrities included Keanu Reeves, Zoe Saldana, Selma Hayak, Will Ferrell, and many, many more.

Get your copy of Agenda magazine’s Holiday 2019 issue #9 today! Available on Amazon.com.