Welcome to issue 11 as we move forward into 2020 with the February/March issue. On our cover, power couple Larry and Luisa Dunn of LDO are featured.

We interview the original Earth, Wind & Fire keyboardist/composer Larry Dunn about his career in the article titled “The Man with the Sound.”

Indie Hotspot talent Luisa Dunn, whose release of her first solo project is scheduled for later this year, models Kevan Hall and Sue Wong designs.

Sheryl Aronson (Arting Around) interviews the Writers Guild of America West (WGAW) nominees for “Beyond Words,” including highlights from the panel discussion.
Shahada Karim brings back esthetician Jennifer Christie in “The Power of Peptides,” and Shahada talks moisturizers, lip stains, and her favorite scents in the articles “Beautiful You” and “Fearless Fragrance.” Melanie Wise (Wise Remedies) focuses on the feet in her article “Put Your Best Foot Forward.”
Fashion Talk reflects on the 50-year career and retirement of Jean-Paul Gaultier. Fashion Archives spotlights Gaultier’s mid-career catwalks from 1985 and 2003.
Black Design Collective features Geoff Duran Menswear, a brand that’s bringing back tailored styles to men in sports and entertainment.

This fashion-packed issue is filled with runway and backstage beauty by Les Benjamins Menswear from Paris. Also, from Madrid, during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week are teasers from Dominnico, Desfile De La Visibilidad L’Oreal Paris, Angel Schlesser, Ana Locking, and Teresa Helbig. Enjoy the spring 2020 collections of Custo Barcelona, Marcos Luengo, and Brain & Beast.

And last but NEVER least is the beautiful Caitlyn, Agenda‘s February/March 2020 Face of the Month!
Pre-order your copy: https://www.agendamag.com/product/agenda-feb-mar-2020-issue-11/